Asynchronous Javascript/Node.js library for the Autodesk Forge Data Management API.
This package is now deprecated, please use the official SDK
Asynchronous Javascript/Node.js library for the Autodesk Forge Data Management API.
This SDK was generated from YAML using a modified version of the Swagger tools. Modified version located here.
Samples using this SDKs available here.
npm install forge-data-management --save
For browser
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
This libray can either use callbacks ot Promises. Do not provide a callback parameter to use Promises.
callback version
var ForgeDataManagement =require ('forge-data-management') ;
var defaultClient =ForgeDataManagement.ApiClient.instance ;
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2_access_code
var oauth2_access_code =defaultClient.authentications ['oauth2_access_code'] ;
oauth2_access_code.accessToken ="YOUR ACCESS TOKEN" ;
var api =new ForgeDataManagement.FoldersApi()
var projectId ="projectId_example" ; // {String} the `project id`
var folderId ="folderId_example" ; // {String} the `folder id`
var callback =function (error, data, response) {
if ( error ) {
console.error (error) ;
} else {
console.log ('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data) ;
api.getFolder(projectIdfolderId, , callback) ;
Promise version
var ForgeDataManagement =require ('forge-data-management') ;
var defaultClient =ForgeDataManagement.ApiClient.instance ;
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2_access_code
var oauth2_access_code =defaultClient.authentications ['oauth2_access_code'] ;
oauth2_access_code.accessToken ="YOUR ACCESS TOKEN" ;
var api =new ForgeDataManagement.FoldersApi()
var projectId ="projectId_example" ; // {String} the `project id`
var folderId ="folderId_example" ; // {String} the `folder id`
api.getFolder(projectIdfolderId, ).then (function (data) {
console.log ('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data) ;
}, function (error) {
console.error (error) ;
}) ;
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- ForgeDataManagement.FoldersApi | getFolder | GET /data/v1/projects/{project_id}/folders/{folder_id} | ForgeDataManagement.FoldersApi | getFolderContents | GET /data/v1/projects/{project_id}/folders/{folder_id}/contents | ForgeDataManagement.FoldersApi | getFolderParent | GET /data/v1/projects/{project_id}/folders/{folder_id}/parent | ForgeDataManagement.FoldersApi | getFolderRefs | GET /data/v1/projects/{project_id}/folders/{folder_id}/refs | ForgeDataManagement.FoldersApi | getFolderRelationshipsRefs | GET /data/v1/projects/{project_id}/folders/{folder_id}/relationships/refs | ForgeDataManagement.FoldersApi | postFolderRelationshipsRef | POST /data/v1/projects/{project_id}/folders/{folder_id}/relationships/refs | ForgeDataManagement.HubsApi | getHub | GET /project/v1/hubs/{hub_id} | ForgeDataManagement.HubsApi | getHubProjects | GET /project/v1/hubs/{hub_id}/projects | ForgeDataManagement.HubsApi | getHubs | GET /project/v1/hubs | ForgeDataManagement.ItemsApi | getDataHealth | GET /data/v1/health | ForgeDataManagement.ItemsApi | getItem | GET /data/v1/projects/{project_id}/items/{item_id} | ForgeDataManagement.ItemsApi | getItemParentFolder | GET /data/v1/projects/{project_id}/items/{item_id}/parent | ForgeDataManagement.ItemsApi | getItemRefs | GET /data/v1/projects/{project_id}/items/{item_id}/refs | ForgeDataManagement.ItemsApi | getItemRelationshipsRefs | GET /data/v1/projects/{project_id}/items/{item_id}/relationships/refs | ForgeDataManagement.ItemsApi | getItemTip | GET /data/v1/projects/{project_id}/items/{item_id}/tip | ForgeDataManagement.ItemsApi | getItemVersions | GET /data/v1/projects/{project_id}/items/{item_id}/versions | ForgeDataManagement.ItemsApi | postItemRelationshipsRef | POST /data/v1/projects/{project_id}/items/{item_id}/relationships/refs | ForgeDataManagement.ProjectsApi | getProject | GET /project/v1/hubs/{hub_id}/projects/{project_id} | ForgeDataManagement.ProjectsApi | getProjectHealth | GET /project/v1/health | ForgeDataManagement.ProjectsApi | getProjectHub | GET /project/v1/hubs/{hub_id}/projects/{project_id}/hub | ForgeDataManagement.ProjectsApi | postItem | POST /data/v1/projects/{project_id}/items | ForgeDataManagement.ProjectsApi | postStorage | POST /data/v1/projects/{project_id}/storage | ForgeDataManagement.ProjectsApi | postVersion | POST /data/v1/projects/{project_id}/versions | ForgeDataManagement.VersionsApi | getVersion | GET /data/v1/projects/{project_id}/versions/{version_id} | ForgeDataManagement.VersionsApi | getVersionItem | GET /data/v1/projects/{project_id}/versions/{version_id}/item | ForgeDataManagement.VersionsApi | getVersionRefs | GET /data/v1/projects/{project_id}/versions/{version_id}/refs | ForgeDataManagement.VersionsApi | getVersionRelationshipsRefs | GET /data/v1/projects/{project_id}/versions/{version_id}/relationships/refs | ForgeDataManagement.VersionsApi | postVersionRelationshipsRef | POST /data/v1/projects/{project_id}/versions/{version_id}/relationships/refs |
Documentation for Models
- ForgeDataManagement.BadInputResponse
- ForgeDataManagement.BaseAttributesCreatedUpdated
- ForgeDataManagement.BaseAttributesCreatedUpdatedAttributes
- ForgeDataManagement.BaseAttributesExtensionObject
- ForgeDataManagement.ConflictResponse
- ForgeDataManagement.CreateItem
- ForgeDataManagement.CreateRef
- ForgeDataManagement.CreateStorage
- ForgeDataManagement.CreateVersion
- ForgeDataManagement.Folder
- ForgeDataManagement.FolderResponse
- ForgeDataManagement.ForbiddenResponse
- ForgeDataManagement.Health
- ForgeDataManagement.HealthResponse
- ForgeDataManagement.Hub
- ForgeDataManagement.HubResponse
- ForgeDataManagement.HubsResponse
- ForgeDataManagement.Item
- ForgeDataManagement.ItemCreatedResponse
- ForgeDataManagement.ItemResponse
- ForgeDataManagement.JsonApiAttributes
- ForgeDataManagement.JsonApiCollection
- ForgeDataManagement.JsonApiDocument
- ForgeDataManagement.JsonApiDocumentBase
- ForgeDataManagement.JsonApiError
- ForgeDataManagement.JsonApiLink
- ForgeDataManagement.JsonApiLinks
- ForgeDataManagement.JsonApiLinksPaging
- ForgeDataManagement.JsonApiLinksRelated
- ForgeDataManagement.JsonApiLinksSelf
- ForgeDataManagement.JsonApiMeta
- ForgeDataManagement.JsonApiMetaLink
- ForgeDataManagement.JsonApiRelationships
- ForgeDataManagement.JsonApiRelationshipsLinksExternalResource
- ForgeDataManagement.JsonApiRelationshipsLinksInternal
- ForgeDataManagement.JsonApiRelationshipsLinksInternalResource
- ForgeDataManagement.JsonApiRelationshipsLinksRefs
- ForgeDataManagement.JsonApiRelationshipsLinksRefsLinks
- ForgeDataManagement.JsonApiResource
- ForgeDataManagement.JsonApiTypeId
- ForgeDataManagement.JsonApiVersion
- ForgeDataManagement.JsonApiVersionJsonapi
- ForgeDataManagement.NotFoundResponse
- ForgeDataManagement.Project
- ForgeDataManagement.ProjectResponse
- ForgeDataManagement.ProjectsResponse
- ForgeDataManagement.RefsResponse
- ForgeDataManagement.RelRef
- ForgeDataManagement.Storage
- ForgeDataManagement.StorageCreatedResponse
- ForgeDataManagement.Version
- ForgeDataManagement.VersionCreatedResponse
- ForgeDataManagement.VersionResponse
- ForgeDataManagement.VersionsResponse
Documentation for Authorization
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: accessCode
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes:
- data:read: The application will be able to read the end user’s data within the Autodesk ecosystem.
- data:write: The application will be able to create, update, and delete data on behalf of the end user within the Autodesk ecosystem.
- data:create: The application will be able to create data on behalf of the end user within the Autodesk ecosystem.
- data:search: The application will be able to search the end user’s data within the Autodesk ecosystem.
- bucket:create: The application will be able to create an OSS bucket it will own.
- bucket:read: The application will be able to read the metadata and list contents for OSS buckets that it has access to.
- bucket:update: The application will be able to set permissions and entitlements for OSS buckets that it has permission to modify.
- bucket:delete: The application will be able to delete a bucket that it has permission to delete.
- code:all: The application will be able to author and execute code on behalf of the end user (e.g., scripts processed by the Design Automation API).
- account:read: For Product APIs, the application will be able to read the account data the end user has entitlements to.
- account:write: For Product APIs, the application will be able to update the account data the end user has entitlements to.
- user-profile:read: The application will be able to read the end user’s profile data.
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: application
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes:
- data:read: The application will be able to read the end user’s data within the Autodesk ecosystem.
- data:write: The application will be able to create, update, and delete data on behalf of the end user within the Autodesk ecosystem.
- data:create: The application will be able to create data on behalf of the end user within the Autodesk ecosystem.
- data:search: The application will be able to search the end user’s data within the Autodesk ecosystem.
- bucket:create: The application will be able to create an OSS bucket it will own.
- bucket:read: The application will be able to read the metadata and list contents for OSS buckets that it has access to.
- bucket:update: The application will be able to set permissions and entitlements for OSS buckets that it has permission to modify.
- bucket:delete: The application will be able to delete a bucket that it has permission to delete.
- code:all: The application will be able to author and execute code on behalf of the end user (e.g., scripts processed by the Design Automation API).
- account:read: For Product APIs, the application will be able to read the account data the end user has entitlements to.
- account:write: For Product APIs, the application will be able to update the account data the end user has entitlements to.
- user-profile:read: The application will be able to read the end user’s profile data.
Documentation & Support
For more information, please visit
For support, please use
This SDK is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for full details.