A Webpack Plugin that reduces the size of FontAwesome to only include icons that are actually used in your application.
Font Awesome Minify Plugin
A Webpack Plugin that minifies your included FontAwesome 5 CSS and fonts by only bundling the icons you are actually using.
Notice: If you are using FontAwesome 4.x, you should be using version 0.1 of this plugin!
npm install --save-dev font-awesome-minify-plugin
# or
yarn add --dev font-awesome-minify-plugin
const FontAwesomeMinifyPlugin = require("font-awesome-minify-plugin");
module.exports = {
// ...
plugins: [
// ...
new FontAwesomeMinifyPlugin({
srcDir: helpers.root("app/")
TypeScript example:
import "@fortawesome/fontawesome-free-webfonts/css/fontawesome.css";
import "@fortawesome/fontawesome-free-webfonts/css/fa-regular.css";
import "@fortawesome/fontawesome-free-webfonts/css/fa-solid.css";
import "@fortawesome/fontawesome-free-webfonts/css/fa-brands.css";
new FontAwesomeMinifyPlugin(options: object)
|Name |Type |Default |Description |
|:--------------: |:---------------:|:----------------------------|:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|[] |Additional FontAwesome CSS classes that should be included regardless of whether they occur or not |
|All non-icon classes |CSS Classes that are prohibited from being included |
|The icon prefix |
|Determines the folder in which to look for the usage of FontAwesome classes, see globPattern
as well |
|Determines the glob pattern that determines which files are analyzed|
|Print additional debug information|
How it works
The plugin hooks into the process of Webpack's module resolution and when a file matching any of FontAwesome's CSS filenames is found it does the following:
- Detect all used icons (using the
options) - Depending on the type of the detected CSS file (either the "fontawesome.css" which contains all codepoints, or a style file, such as "fa-brands.css")
- Main file ("fontawesome.css"): Build a new CSS file that only contains the used codepoints
- Style file (e.g. "fa-brands.css"):
- Extract the SVG path from the file and build a new SVG, containing only the used glyphs
- Create a new CSS file pointing to the new SVG file
- Replace the resolved CSS files with the new, temporary CSS files
I would like to express my gratitude towards these projects:
Without them, this plugin wouldn't be possible.
Thanks to the people behind the awesome FontAwesome library as well!