A small tool to block websites using your hosts file.
A node tool to help you focus.
Add distractions
A small set of defaults come bundled with fokus. Here is the simplest usage just blocking default links.
sudo fokus
And you can also specify your own links from a file. The file need to export an array of links, like this
module.exports = [
And use the -u
option followed by the file..
sudo fokus -u /path/to/file
Use a custom file and no defaults
sudo fokus -u /path/to/file --no-defaults
Stop distractions
To restore your /etc/hosts back to its original state run the following command. All traces of fokus will be gone.
sudo fokus --kill
You have to use sudo to modify /etc/hosts. I mainly use this myself, but if you want to use it check out the source beforehand so you understand what it does.
Note: You might have to clear your DNS cache.
sudo dscacheutil -flushcache