Fog Controller project @
Fog Controller Setup
1. Install fog-controller
npm install -g --unsafe-perm fog-controller
2. Create user
fog-controller user -add <email> <firstName> <lastName> <password>
3. Start fog-controller
fog-controller start
4. Open your browser and hit following endpoints to setup IOFog, provision key and fog access token.
- Create Fog
where ':type' is FogType which can be 1 for Standard Linux (x86) OR 2 for ARM Linux
and ':userAccessToken' is obtained by creating user
- Fog provisioning
where ':instanceId' is obtained by creating fog.
The provision key generated by this endpoint will be used by ioFog for provisioning.
- Create fog access token
where ':provisionKey' is obtained by provisioning fog
and ':fabricType' is a FogType
1. To view help menu
fog-controller help
2. To view current status
fog-controller status
3. To view version and license
fog-controller version
- Log files are located at './node_modules/fog-controller-logs/'
- Log files are rotated on daily basis
- If number of log files exceeds 90, oldest log file will be swapped with the newest file
System Requirements (Recommended)
- Processor: 64 bit Dual Core or better
- RAM: 2 GB
- Hard Disk: 10 GB
Platforms Supported
- Ubuntu
- macOS Sierra
- Windows
Configuration Management
1. To list configurations
fog-controller config -list
2. To add a configuration
fog-controller config -add <key> <value>
Note: Configuration keys can be one of following
- port
- ssl_key
- intermediate_cert
- ssl_cert
- email_address
- email_password
- email_service
- ioauthoring_port
- ioauthoring_ip_address
- ioauthoring_protocol
To setup ioauthoring configurations, do following steps:
fog-controller config -add ioauthoring_port 4000
fog-controller config -add ioauthoring_ip_address
fog-controller config -add ioauthoring_protocol http
To setup HTTPS for fog controller, do following steps:
fog-controller config -add port 4443
fog-controller config -add ssl_key 'path_to_your_sertificates/key.pem'
fog-controller config -add intermediate_cert 'path_to_your_sertificates/gs_intermediate_ca.crt'
fog-controller config -add ssl_cert 'path_to_your_sertificates/certificate.pem'
fog-controller config -add ioauthoring_port 5443
fog-controller config -add ioauthoring_ip_address
fog-controller config -add ioauthoring_protocol https
Do not forget to update ioAuthoring configs and add certificates under /etc/iofog/ on the machine where fog agent is running!
To setup email sender, do following steps:
fog-controller config -add email_address [email protected]
fog-controller config -add email_password abc123
fog-controller config -add email_service xyz
3. To remove a configuration
fog-controller config -remove <key>
User Managment
1. To list users
fog-controller user -list
2. To add a user
fog-controller user -add <email> <firstName> <lastName> <password>
3. To remove a user
fog-controller user -remove <email>
4. To reset password
fog-controller user -generateToken <email>
ComSat Managment
1. To list all ComSat(s)
fog-controller comsat -list
2. To add a ComSat
fog-controller comsat -add <name> <domain> <publicIP>
3. To remove a ComSat
fog-controller comsat -remove <ID>
Execute Fog-Controller on startup
For Windows, do following steps:
- Open a new text document
- Insert following line in it:
fog-controller start
- Save text document with extension as ‘.bat’
- Put the .bat file in
(replacing ‘username’ with the name of your user).
For Ubuntu, do following steps:
- Create a file as ‘fog-controller.conf’ in /etc/init/ directory with following command:
sudo gedit /etc/init/fog-controller.conf
- Save following text in the file:
# fog-controller.conf
description "Fog Controller project @"
start on startup
stop on shutdown
post-start script
mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/node_modules/fog-controller
cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/fog-controller
sudo fog-controller start
end script