A Language Client for the OpenFOAM LSP server
A Language Client for OpenFOAM cases
A simple OpenFOAM language extension which adds (some) language support for OpenFOAM case dictionaries to Visual Studio Code.
Overview of supported features
Head to this slide for an overview of all supported features of the underlying LSP server.
A quick run-down of the important features:
- An OpenFOAM Language file type.
- A Tree-Sitter grammar for OpenFOAM.
- File symbols (Outline) support for OpenFOAM dictionaries.
Syntax highlighting
This extension does not currently provide syntax highlighting support on its own. We're waiting for VSCode to support Tree-Sitter and now Explore using tree sitter for syntax highlighting to get merged.
Mean while, you can use this generic tree-sitter-vscode extension in the following way (replace /path/to
with something that works for you):
npm i -g tree-sitter tree-sitter-cli
git clone /path/to/tree-sitter-cpp
cd /path/to/tree-sitter-cpp
tree-sitter build --wasm
git clone /path/to/tree-sitter-foam
cd /path/to/tree-sitter-foam
tree-sitter build --wasm
In VScode's extension configuration:
"tree-sitter-vscode.languageConfigs": [
"lang": "openfoam",
"parser": "/path/to/tree-sitter-foam/tree-sitter-foam.wasm",
"highlights": "/path/to/tree-sitter-foam/queries/highlights.scm",
"injections": "/path/to/tree-sitter-foam/queries/injections.scm"
"lang": "cpp",
"parser": "/path/to/tree-sitter-cpp/tree-sitter-cpp.wasm",
"highlights": "/path/to/tree-sitter-cpp/queries/highlights.scm",
"injections": "/path/to/tree-sitter-cpp/queries/injections.scm"
[!TIP] Configuring the
grammar helps in highlighting thecode
blocks in OpenFOAM dictionaries. Although, this is optional.
File type detection
You will need to correctly detect the file type for the language client to get triggered;
For example, add the following to your Visual Studio Code settings to recognize some common OpenFOAM case files
"files.associations": {
"*Dict": "openfoam",
"*Properties": "openfoam",
"fvSchemes": "openfoam",
"fvSolution": "openfoam",
"**/constant/g": "openfoam",
"**/0/*": "openfoam"
Known issues
Currently, code system/someDict
will cause the LSP server to segfault.
It is recommended to open the whole case path with VSCode instead: code .
Want to help?
Please refer to this issue.