fo-gridstack-organizer is a Vue.js component that is a wrapper around the gridstack.js jQuery plugin.
fo-gridstack-organizer Component for Vue.js
Disclaimer: This Vue.js component is in its early stages of development. It might not work at all, and this file might not contain accurate information. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
When we decide that it's ready for others to use, we'll remove this message and change the version number to 1.X.X.
fo-gridstack-organizer is a Vue.js component that is a wrapper around the gridstack.js jQuery plugin.
fo-gridstack-organizer is written in ECMAScript 6th Edition (a.k.a. ECMAScript 2015, a.k.a. ES6) and is intended for inclusion in an ES6 application. No provision has been made for supporting earlier JavaScript editions.
fo-gridstack-organizer is provided as an ES6 module. No provision has been made for older idiosyncratic module formats such as CommonJS or AMD.
fo-gridstack-organizer is packaged into a single file using rollup.js. Currently the bundle is not minified or uglified; we intend to do this in a later release.
Using fo-gridstack-organizer
To include fo-gridstack-organizer in your project, simply import it using the ES6 import statement:
import FoGridstackOrganizer from 'fo-gridstack-organizer-bundle.js'
Then include it as a component in your Vue.js model:
var vueModel = new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
This will make the <fo-gridstack-organizer> tag available for use within your project's HTML.
The following attributes can be included in an <fo-gridstack-organizer> tag:
- id Required; every <fo-gridstack-organizer> instance must have a unique id value
- backgroundColor
- color
- items The data structure that specifies the items to be organized by gridstack.js
The following attributes are used to set default values for new items that are added to the gridstack:
- itemDefaultBackground
- itemDefaultColor
- itemDefaultContent
- itemDefaultDataGsX
- itemDefaultDataGsY
- itemDefaultDataGsWidth
- itemDefaultDataGsHeight
- itemDefaultFontFamily
- itemDefaultFontSize
- itemDefaultPadding
- itemDefaultTextAlign
Note that these attributes are expressed in camelCase, but when used within an <fo-gridstack-organizer> tag, should be expressed as kebab-case per VueJS rules.
<fo-gridstack-organizer v-bind:items='items'></fo-gridstack-organizer>
Building fo-gridstack-organizer
The source code for fo-gridstack-organizer can be found in the src directory. The build process uses the file fo-gridstack-organizer.js plus files from the src/lib directory and the src/node_modules directory.
When you clone or download the git repo, you don't get the src/node_modules directory. Since this directory can be easily re-generated using npm, there's no reason to include it in the git repo. The src/package.json contains all of the information needed to re-generate the src/node_modules directory. To do this, cd to the src directory and enter the command:
npm install
npm will fetch and install all of the node modules listed in package.json.
fo-gridstack-organizer is built into a rollup.js bundle using the script found in the src directory..
To build the bundle, cd to the src directory and enter the command
After a successful build, you should see the following results:
fo-gridstack-organizer.js → ../dist/fo-gridstack-organizer-bundle.js...
created ../dist/fo-gridstack-organizer-bundle.js in 1.8s
Running the Test Application
The included test application can be run from the test directory.
As you did with the src directory, you must run npm install to re-generate the node_modules directory used by the test application.
The test application can be run using the http-server npm module. To run it, cd to the test directory and enter the command
This will open a simple web server that serves its content on http://localhost:8080.
fo-gridstack-organizer's dependencies fall into two categories, those that are bundled into fo-gridstack-organizer-bundle-js and those that are expected to be present in the project in which fo-gridstack-organizer is used.
The latter category includes widely-used libraries such as JQuery, Lodash, and Vue.js.
Bundled into fo-gridstack-organizer-bundle-js are libraries that are unique or specific to fo-gridstack-organizer.
You can change which libraries you want to bundle or keep external by editing the src/package.json file and moving them between the dependencies and devDependencies sections, or through use of the external option in src/rollup.config.js. You need to re-build the bundle after making any such changes.
Getting fo-gridstack-organizer from NPM
If you want to use the dist/fo-gridstack-organizer-bundle.js in your project and don't think you'll ever need to re-build it, you can obtain it from NPM using the command
npm install fo-gridstack-organizer
This will place a copy of fo-gridstack-organizer-bundle.js in your project's node_modules directory along with its dependencies. You can then import it into your ES6 JavaScript using the command
import FoMarkdownNote from 'node_modules/fo-gridstack-organizer/fo-gridstack-organizer-bundle.js'
In this scenario, fo-gridstack-organizer-bundle.js will contain all of the bundled dependencies, and the external dependencies will be made known to NPM in the npm/package.json file. This package.json file is different from the one found in the src directory, and is used only for publishing on NPM.
Like most open source projects, fo-gridstack-organizer is based on the work of others. The small value fo-gridstack-organizer adds is to wrap and bundle these components into a single-file Vue.js component. The greater value is provided by these amazing projects:
- gridstack.js by numerous contributors is the jQuery plugin that this Vue.js component wraps.
- Vue.js by Evan You and a host of other contributors
- rollup.js by Rich Harris, Lukas Taegert, and a host of other contributors
- Other code snippets from various web forums and articles. If you see some of your code and want to let me know who you are, I'll add you individually to this list.
We also gratefully acknowledge the JQuery and Lodash projects on which so much the web is built.