Fnon is a client-side JavaScript library for models, loading indicators, notifications, and alerts which makes your web projects much better.
Fnon is the name of my late mother, It's an Arabic word which means Art, I created this library in honor of her name.
Fnon is a client-side JavaScript library for models, loading indicators, notifications, and alerts which makes your web projects much better.
Colors are based on Bootstrap main categories:
Current Version : 1.1.13
Live Demo
Installation :
npm i fnon
Add direct to HTML (css and js)
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/fnon.min.css" />
<script src="dist/fnon.min.js"></script>
1- Hint
Hint has 7 themed functions named as bootstrap's colors
// @param1 {string}: Required, message text in String format[it's not a plane text, means you could add your own HTML syntax].
// @param2 {Object}: Optional,update the initialize options with new options for current hint.
// Just a message
Fnon.Hint.Light("Your Message comes here");
// Message with a title
Fnon.Hint.Danger("You can not save record to database.", "Connection Failure");
// Message with a callback
Fnon.Hint.Info("Your message", function () {
// callback function
// Message with a title
Fnon.Hint.Success("Your message", {
callback: function () {
console.log("Do not stop praying for your parents");
title: "Title",
// Message with settings
Fnon.Hint.Dark("Rest in peace", {
position: "right-top",
fontSize: "14px",
width: "300px",
title: "Here comes the title",
callback: function () {
//do something
// rest of functions....
//Fnon.Hint.Primary("Your Message comes here");
//Fnon.Hint.Warning("Your Message comes here");
If you want to modify the default Hint settings, you can use the Init function. Below is the list of all available properties you could change.
fontFamily: '"Quicksand", sans-serif',
position: "right-top",
spacing: "16px",
svgSize: { w: "16px", h: "16px" },
textColor: "#fff",
fontSize: "14px",
backgroundColor: "#029eff",
shadowColor: "rgba(2, 158, 255, 0.3)",
width: "300px",
zindex: 4000,
animation: "slide-left",
animationDuration: 500,
displayDuration: 3000,
progressColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0.9)",
callback: undefined,
title: undefined,
Hint positioning can be set using the position property with any of the following options:
- right-top
- right-center
- right-bottom
- left-top
- left-center
- left-bottom
- center-top
- center-center
- center-bottom
Below is the list of available animation effects:
- fade
- slide-left
- slide-right
- slide-bottom
- slide-top
2- Wait
The wait functions are simply a block screens that blocks the user from interacting with the page until further notice. Wait simply displays an animated SVG icon and a text if provided.
The Wait object contains 19 functions, 16 of them are named after the icons used in it.
// @param1 {string}: Optional, message text in String format[it's not a plane text, means you could add your own HTML syntax].
// @param2 {Object}: Optional,update the initialize options with new options for current wait block.
// Simple call
// Call with a message
// call with a message and change some options
Fnon.Wait.Liquid("Please Wait", {
textSize: "14px",
clickToClose: true,
// The rest of displaying functions
There are two more functions which are Change and Remove
Change function is going to change or add a text to the running Wait function:
Fnon.Wait.Change("Downloading 77%");
Remove function will remove the current waiting block. You can also delay the remove function by provide time param.
// Remove instantly
// Remove after 3 seconds
If you want to modify the default Wait settings, you can use the Init function. Below is the list of all available properties you could change.
fontFamily: '"Quicksand", sans-serif',
svgSize: { w: "100px", h: "100px" },
svgColor: "#029eff",
textColor: "#029eff",
textSize: "16px",
clickToClose: false,
background: "rgba(255,255,255,0.5)",
zindex: 4000,
containerSize: "350px",
3- Box
well, it's basically similar to Wait, but it is used for blocking specific HTML element where Wait will block everything. You simply have to provide the function with an element or with the respective selector.
// @param1 {string or element}: required, HTML element or respective selector.
// @param2 {string}: optional, message text in String format[it's not a plane text, means you could add your own HTML syntax].
// @param3 {Object}: Optional,update the initialize options with new options for current wait block.
// Simple call
// Call with a message
Fnon.Box.Ripple("form.login", "Loading");
// call with html element, message and change some options
const form = document.querySelector("form#login");
Fnon.Wait.Liquid(form, "Please Wait", {
textSize: "14px",
textColor: "#029eff",
Change and Remove works similar to Wait.
Init also, works the same but below are the list of settings you can change:
fontFamily:'"Quicksand", sans-serif',
svgSize: { w: '100px', h: '100px' },
svgColor: GColors.Primary,
background: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.8)',
zindex: 4000,
textColor: '#029eff',
textSize: '16px'
4- Alert
A simple alert dialog with a single button. Click the close button to dismisses it.
Alert functions are based on bootstrap basic colors Light
// @param1 {(string | HTMLElement) or json object}: required, message or an object with any settings you wish to modify.
// @param2 {string}: optional, title || if not provided title section won't be displayed.
// @param3 {string}: Optional, ok button text || default is Ok.
// @param4 {function}: Optional, a callback function if needed.
// Simple use
Fnon.Alert.Success("Message", "Title", "Ok Button", () => {
console.log("I am a callback");
// Display by providing setting object
title: "Confirmation",
message: "Are you sure?",
callback: () => {
// do some thing
// remaining functions are:
// Fnon.Alert.Primary(.....);
// Fnon.Alert.Warning(.....);
// Fnon.Alert.Dark(.....);
// Fnon.Alert.Light(.....);
// Fnon.Alert.Info(.....);
Here also you can use the Init function to change the default settings, but when it comes to theme and colors, this will effect the Light function only.
message: "", // can be a string or an HTMLElement
title: "",
titleColor: GColors.Dark,
titleBackground: GColors.Light,
color: "#2b2b2b",
background: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)",
fontFamily: '"Quicksand", sans-serif',
width: "nl",
closeButton: true,
animation: "slide-top",
closeButton: false,
callback: undefined,
icon: undefined,
iconColor: "#000",
showIcon: false,
btnOkText: "Ok",
btnOkColor: "#d4d4d4",
btnOkBackground: "#d4d4d4",
btnOkShadow: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)",
btnOkBorderColor: "#d4d4d4",
delButtons: false,
autoFocus: false, // focus when model is loaded otherwise first button will be focused
autoFocusTag: "input:not([disabled])", // default focus to input which is not disabled
autoFocusDelay: 0, //if u need to dealy the focus
zIndex: 4000,
showMaxMin: false, // show maximize - minimize button if title bar exists
// Functions
beforeShow: undefined,
afterShow: undefined,
defaultBefore: undefined,
defaultAfter: undefined,
// Extra Functions
onInit: undefined, // Fires once the Layout is rendered but your body content is not
onClosing: undefined, // Fires on closing but the html element still exists
onClosed: undefined, // Fires once the html is removed
layout: "hbf", // Layout h: header b:body f:footer
Width: Normarl 'nl', Small 'sm', Large 'lg', X-Large 'xl'.
Animartion Effects 'fade', 'slide-top', 'slide-bottom', 'slide-right' and 'slide-left'.
5- Ask
It's a dialogue similar to Alert but it comes with an extra cancel button, and its callback function returns whatever a user clicks
// @param1 {(string | HTMLElement) or json object}: required, message or an object with any settings you wish to modify.
// @param2 {string}: optional, title || if not provided title section won't be displayed.
// @param3 {string}: Optional, ok button text || default is Ok.
// @param4 {string}: Optional, cancel button text || default is Cancel.
// @param5 {function}: Optional, a callback function.
// Simple use
Fnon.Ask.Success("Message", "Title", "Sure", "Naah", (result) => {
console.log("result is: ", result);
// Display by providing setting object
title: "Confirmation",
message: "Are you sure?",
callback: (result) => {
// do some thing
console.log("result is: ", result);
// remaining functions are:
// Fnon.Ask.Primary(.....);
// Fnon.Ask.Warning(.....);
// Fnon.Ask.Dark(.....);
// Fnon.Ask.Light(.....);
// Fnon.Ask.Info(.....);
Init Function works the same as Alert.
fontFamily: defaultFont,
width: "nl", // sm//lg//nl//xl
closeButton: true,
animation: "slide-top", //'fade', 'slide-top', 'slide-bottom', 'slide-right' and 'slide-left'
closeButton: false,
callback: undefined,
icon: undefined,
iconColor: "#fff",
showIcon: false,
message: "",
title: "",
titleColor: "#fff",
titleBackground: "#fff",
autoFocus: false, // focus when model is loaded otherwise first button will be focused
autoFocusTag: "input:not([disabled])", // default focus to input which is not disabled
autoFocusDelay: 0, //if u need to dealy the focus
btnOkText: "Ok",
btnOkColor: "#fff",
btnOkBackground: "#fff",
btnOkShadow: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)",
btnOkBorderColor: "#d4d4d4",
btnCancelText: "Cancel",
btnCancelColor: "#fff",
btnCancelBackground: "#fff",
btnCancelShadow: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)",
btnCancelBorderColor: "#d4d4d4",
color: "#2b2b2b",
background: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)",
zIndex: 4000,
delButtons: false,
showMaxMin: false, // show maximize - minimize button if title bar exists
// Functions
beforeShow: undefined,
afterShow: undefined,
defaultBefore: undefined,
defaultAfter: undefined,
// Extra Functions
onInit: undefined, // Fires once the Layout is rendered but your body content is not
onClosing: undefined, // Fires on closing but the html element still exists
onClosed: undefined, // Fires once the html is removed
layout: "hbf",
Width and Animation Effects are similar to Alert.
6- Dialogue
well, one last time :) it's similar to Ask and alert but in Dialogue there are no icons and it comes with two default buttons named
with callbacks events if needed. You can avoid closing the model by simply returningfalse
in callback function.
// @param1 {(string | HTMLElement) or json object}: required, message or an object with any settings you wish to modify.
// @param2 {string}: optional, title || if not provided title section won't be displayed.
// @param3 {string}: Optional, ok button text || default is Ok.
// @param4 {string}: Optional, cancel button text || default is Cancel.
// @param5 {function}: Optional, Ok callback function.
// @param5 {function}: Optional, Cancel callback function.
// Simple use
console.log('Ok callback');
console.log('cancel callback');
// Display by providing setting object
message:'Login Form Html',
// do ....
// ......
// if you return false that would forbid the model from closing itself
// remaining functions are:
// Fnon.Dialogue.Primary(.....);
// Fnon.Dialogue.Warning(.....);
// Fnon.Dialogue.Dark(.....);
// Fnon.Dialogue.Light(.....);
// Fnon.Dialogue.Info(.....);
callback of Ok and Cancel buttons returns two params ( closer function and html of dialogue body). If you decid to return
to avoid closing the model, you can simply call the closer fuciton.
Fnon.Dialogue.Success("Message", "Title", "Sure", "Naah", (closer, html) => {
// you can pass the closer function to close the model
return false; // this will avoid closing the model.
// html is simply the body container where you can use it to do some validation, querying,...etc.
// p parameter suppose to be the closer function of the model
function SomeWhereElse(p) {
Custom Buttons : If you need to add more than two buttons you can simply provide a list of buttons through
parameter. Deafult style of the buttons will belight
unless you specify the colors your self or just add astyle
property to the buttons objects as shown:
title: "Title",
message: "message",
buttons: [
text: "Hola",
callback: (closer, html) => {
// ....
{ text: "Hi I am a style", style: "Danger" },
text: "Here we specify everything",
color: "#fff",
background: "#123",
shadow: "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)",
borderColor: "#fgfg45",
css: "SomeCssStyleAswell",
//style:'Light',//'Danger','Primary','Dark',...etc [Bootstap main colors]
callback: (closer, html) => {
// do something
return false; // to avoid closing the model
Animation Effects are similar to Alert.
Width also is similar to Alert but in Dialogue I added a Full Width
which will take 100% of the view height and width.
Init function also here works the same as Alert and Ask.
fontFamily: defaultFont,
width: "nl", // sm//lg//nl//xl//fl
closeButton: true,
animation: "slide-top", //'fade', 'slide-top', 'slide-bottom', 'slide-right' and 'slide-left'
closeButton: false,
callback: undefined,
cancelCallback: undefined,
message: "",
title: "",
titleColor: "#fff",
titleBackground: "#fff",
btnOkText: "Ok",
btnOkColor: "#fff",
btnOkBackground: "#fff",
btnOkShadow: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)",
btnOkBorderColor: "#d4d4d4",
btnCancelText: "Cancel",
btnCancelColor: "#fff",
btnCancelBackground: "#fff",
btnCancelShadow: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)",
btnCancelBorderColor: "#d4d4d4",
color: "#2b2b2b",
background: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)",
autoFocus: false, // focus when model is loaded otherwise first button will be focused
autoFocusTag: "input:not([disabled])", // default focus to input which is not disabled
autoFocusDelay: 0, //if u need to dealy the focus
zIndex: 4000,
delButtons: false,
showMaxMin: false, // show maximize - minimize button if title bar exists
showMin:false, // Add minimize button to taskbar
// Functions
beforeShow: undefined,
afterShow: undefined,
defaultBefore: undefined,
defaultAfter: undefined,
// custom buttons
buttons: undefined,
// Extra Functions
onInit: undefined, // Fires once the Layout is rendered but your body content is not
onClosing: undefined, // Fires on closing but the html element still exists
onClosed: undefined, // Fires once the html is removed
layout: "hbf",
Functions : Alert,Ask and Dialogue have four simple functions.
and defaultBefore
functions : after html is rendered but not appened to body.
and defaultAfter
functions : after html appened to body.
All functions pass the HTML content in param.
P.S : All functions work the same, you get the HTML if you want to manipulate the HTML or add special events.
functions are extra in case you need to add an event as a default to all calls.
message:'content', // can be simple string or HTMLElement
callback:(closer, html)=>{
// add you code here like event listener when press ESC key to close the model.
// add you code here like event listener when press ESC key to close the model.
delButtons parameter.
If you want to hide Ok
and Cancel
buttons, you simply set delButtons
parameter to true
. By doing that you can recive a closer function when calling Alert,Ask or Dialogue.
// This would fire the Alert and return a close function.
const closer = Fnon.Alert.Primary({
title: "Title",
message: "Message",
delButtons: true,
// whenever you decide to close the Model just simply call the received closer
layout parameter. You can change the order of the layout like putting the footer right next to the header. Also, you can hide any section just by overriding the layout characters
,b : BODY
andf : FOOTER
layout:"hbf", // h: Header , b: Body, f: Footer
Custom Theme
Create your own coloring theme which will be used in Ask, Alert, Dialogue, and Hint.
// @param1 {string}: required, which will be used on calling.
// @param2 {object}: optional,which contains the theme colors.
// required for modals
titleColor: '#ffff',
titleBackground: '#000',
btnOkColor: '#fff',
btnOkBackground: '#000',
btnOkBorderColor: "transparent",
btnOkShadow: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)",
// Required For Hint
textColor: "#fff",
backgroundColor: "#000",
shadowColor: "rgba(2, 158, 255, 0.3)",
svg: null, // optional
// calling new theme
// ...etc
Custom Logo to Wait and Box
By creating a new logo or html content, you will need to style it your self ^_^.
// @param1 {string}: required, name which will be used on calling.
// @param1 {string}: required, html string content.
// calling new logo
Final Word
Mother is an excellent example of love, affection, and sacrifice. So show the love to your mothers before it's too late, and PLEASE PRAY FOR MY MOM.
I love you 𝔉𝔫𝔬𝔫