A Easy State Management with Flux
Flux State
Learning flux is hard, using it is cumbersome. Hopefully it will become easier with this library!
Also, learning redux is harder, so this is state library that make your life easier
The principles and guidelines supporting this Library are:
- Define a Store should be an easy step, keeping the power of a "Single source of truth"
- Data and event propagation should be done in a declarative way
- Views should be developer in a reactive way.
- Multiple Stores are allowed for better organization
- We keep flux as it should be unidirectional, so there is no coupling between the Action and the Views, neither between the Actions and the Store, neither between the Store and the View
- The Store state is implicit: The last value of all the events on the Store.
- Run on your terminal the following command:
$ npm install flux-state --save
- To import the library anywhere you would like to use it:
import Flux from 'flux-state';
Let's build a Flux Workflow for authentication
1) First, declare your Store
import Flux from 'flux-state';
export const LOGOUT_EVENT = 'onLogout';
export const LOGIN_EVENT = 'onLogin';
export const SESSION_EVENT = 'onSession';
class SessionStore extends Flux.DashStore{
// Declare an Event
// Or Declare an event with some immutable transformation logic
this.addEvent(LOGIN_EVENT, (state) => {
// Do something with the data before propagating the Event
return Object.assign(state, {"key": "value"})
// Or Declare an event with some plain transformation logic
this.addEvent(SESSION_EVENT, (state) => {
state.some_other_property = "Some other Data";
return Object.assign(state, {"key": "value"})
const sessionStore = new SessionStore();
export {sessionStore};
2) Registering with the Store changes
import React from 'react';
import {sessionStore, LOGIN_EVENT, LOGOUT_EVENT, SESSION_EVENT } from '/path/to/store';
export class View extends React.Component {
const user = sessionStore.getState(SESSION_EVENT);
this.state = {
isLogged: !!user
componentDidMount() {
this.loginSubscription = sessionStore.subscribe(LOGIN_EVENT, (state) => {
// Do something useful with the Event Data
this.setState({some: state.some});
// Register some method
this.logoutSubscription = sessionStore.subscribe(LOGOUT_EVENT, this.logOutEvent().bind(this));
componentWillUnMount() {
// Don't forget to release the subscription
// Save time by using react bindings
// See (react-flux-state)[https://github.com/cobuildlab/react-flux-state]
3) Define some actions that will trigger the event
import Flux from 'flux-state';
import {LOGIN_EVENT, LOGIN_ERROR} from '/path/to/store';
const authenticateAction = async (username, password)=> {
// Don't forget to Validate the data ex: username !=== undefined
let dataToSave = {
authenticated: true
try {
await authenticate(username, password)
}catch (e) {
Flux.dispatchEvent(LOGIN_ERROR, e.message);
Flux.dispatchEvent(LOGIN_EVENT, dataToSave);
export {authenticateAction};
4) Glue all together using the Action from the View
import React from 'react';
import {authenticateAction} from 'path/to/action';
import {sessionStore, LOGIN_EVENT, LOGOUT_EVENT, SESSION_EVENT } from '/path/to/store';
export class View extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
const me = this;
this.loginSubscription = sessionStore.subscribe(LOGIN_EVENT, (state) => {
// Do something useful with the Event Data
me.userName = state.user.name;
// Register some method
this.logoutSubscription = sessionStore.subscribe(LOGOUT_EVENT, this.logOutEvent().bind(this));
//DO something with the state or the state of the Store
const storeState = sessionStore.getState(SESSION_EVENT);
componentWillUnMount() {
// Don't forget to release the subscription
authenticateAction(this.state.username, this.state.password);
v 4.1.0
returns a clone of the state object
v 3.0.0
- Add a
method for the Store to set all Values to null - Add a parameter to the subscription, to request the last value of the Event if wanted
- Add a Helper React View, to subscribe and unsubscribe to the Store wanted
- Alejandro Sanchez github.com/alesanchezr alesanchezr.com
- Angel Lacret github.com/alacret
- Allan Thinks github.com/alanthinks