Fluture loaders
Wraps various loaders into Fluture primitives.
Includes Xhr, as well as Audio, Blob, and Image helpers.
Typescript definitions are bundled in.
npm install --save fluture-loaders
Not battle-tested yet, API may change
The easiest way for most use cases is to use the various fetch* helpers:
import {fetchJson} from "fluture-loaders"
fetchJson("http://httpbin.org/get") ({
data: { hello: "world" }
({args}) => expect(args.hello).toBe("world")
API docs
General notes:
If there is a function starting with a capital letter, and lowercase functions following, the lowercase are helpers that implement the capital but with more specific functionality and default values.
Crossorigin values are only those allowed by spec (e.g. "anonymous" or "use-credentials") and this is enforced by the type system
means remote, andload
is local.
loadAudioBuffer :: AudioContext -> ArrayBuffer -> Future DOMException AudioBuffer
Loads an ArrayBuffer into an AudioBuffer via the supplied AudioContext
BlobLoader :: Generic T => ([FileReader,Blob] -> void) -> Blob -> Future ErrorEvent T
Loads a Blob by calling the supplied function, which must accept a FileReader and a Blob
loadBlobAsArrayBuffer :: Blob -> Future ErrorEvent ArrayBuffer
Loads a Blob into an ArrayBuffer
loadBlobAsDataUrl :: Blob -> Future ErrorEvent String
Loads a Blob into a DataUrl
loadblobAsText :: Blob -> Future ErrorEvent String
Loads a Blob into a text string
ImageLoader :: {url: string, crossOrigin?: string} -> Future ErrorEvent HTMLImageElement
Loads an url into an HTMLImageElement. If crossOrigin is a Just then it will be set to the value.
fetchImage :: string -> Future ErrorEvent HTMLImageElement
Calls ImageLoader with automatically detected crossOrigin
is an alias for fetchImage
loadImageFromArrayBuffer :: {data:ArrayBuffer,mimeType:string} -> Future ErrorEvent HTMLImageElement
Loads an ArrayBuffer into an HTMLImageElement. Mime type must be supplied.
VideoPlayer :: {url:string, crossOrigin?: string} -> Future ErrorEvent HTMLVideoElement
Initializes a video and resolves when playback has started
playVideo :: string -> Future ErrorEvent HTMLVideoElement
Calls VideoPlayer
with automatically detected crossOrigin
XhrLoader :: string -> XhrLoaderOptions -> Future XhrError XMLHttpRequest
Loads an XHR request with the given options (see below)
fletch :: Generic T => string -> XhrLoaderOptions -> Future XhrError T
Generic XHR loader that returns the response of the request
fetchUrl :: Generic T => string -> Future XhrError T
Generic XHR loader that only uses an endpoint url and default options
XHR helpers with options
fetchArrayBuffer :: string -> XhrLoaderOptions -> Future XhrError ArrayBuffer
Loads XHR request and returns the response as an ArrayBuffer
fetchText :: string -> XhrLoaderOptions -> Future XhrError String
Loads XHR request and returns the response as a string
fetchBlob :: string -> XhrLoaderOptions -> Future XhrError Blob
Loads XHR request and returns the response as a Blob
fetchXML :: string -> XhrLoaderOptions -> Future XhrError XMLDocument
Loads XHR request and returns the response as a XMLDocument (or Document)
fetchJson :: string -> XhrLoaderOptions -> Future XhrError Object
Loads XHR request and returns the response as an Object.
It will use query
as the default requestType in this case (which may be overriden with the supplied options)
XHR helpers with URL only
fetchArrayBufferUrl :: string -> Future XhrError ArrayBuffer
Loads XHR request and returns the response as an ArrayBuffer
fetchTextUrl :: string -> Future XhrError String
Loads XHR request and returns the response as a string
fetchBlobUrl :: string -> Future XhrError Blob
Loads XHR request and returns the response as a Blob
fetchXMLUrl :: string -> Future XhrError XMLDocument
Loads XHR request and returns the response as a XMLDocument (or Document)
fetchJsonUrl :: string -> Future XhrError Object
Loads XHR request and returns the response as an Object.
XHR Additional Types
The following are the typescript definitions that comprise the options and returns from XHR loaders:
interface XhrError {
code: number;
text: string;
type XhrResponseType = "blob" | "arraybuffer" | "document" | "json" | "text";
type XhrMethod = "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE";
type XhrRequestType = "query" | "form" | "multipart";
type XhrLoaderOptions = Partial<{
data: any;
method: XhrMethod;
responseType: XhrResponseType;
requestType: XhrRequestType;
withCredentials: boolean;
headers: Array<[string, string]>;