Flutterwave official Cordova library to accept payment via card , USSD, QrCode, Mobile Money etc in your hybrid apps applications.
Flutterwave v3 Cordova Library
Table of Contents
Flutterwave official Cordova library to accept payment via card , USSD, QrCode, Mobile Money etc in your hybrid apps builds.
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system. See references for links to dashboard and API documentation.
Node version >= 6.9.x and npm >= 3.x.x
Flutterwave version 3 API keys
Cordova doesn't allow navigation to external urls inside the app by default hence you may need to:
Add the code below in your config.xml (Important)
<allow-navigation href="*">
Replace the meta tag that sets your Content-Security-Policy with the code below (Important) :
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="font-src 'self' data:; img-src * data:; default-src gap://ready file://* *; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' * ; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' *">
Install the SDK
$ npm install flutterwave-cordova
# or
$ yarn add flutterwave-cordova
Then run the following code in your terminal when the installation completes:
$ cd node_modules/flutterwave-cordova && npm start
NOTE: This will create a flutterwave.js file in the www/js folder
Link the flutterwave.js file to the index.html (or any other page) in www directory using the following script tag after the closing body tag
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/flutterwave.js"></script>
With flutterwave.js now linked, you can call any of these methods to open the payment page "payWithFlutterwaveAsync()" and "payWithFlutterwave()" (explanations below).
1:- payWithFlutterwaveAsync(paymentObject): This allows you to asynchronously open the payment page and perform any operations after the payment is completed. See sample below:
public_key: "FLWPUBK_TEST-***************************-X",
tx_ref: "Ref-4550165677fdcf951548729e3ff6b950",
amount: 100,
currency: "NGN",
country: "NG",
payment_options: "",
meta: {
consumer_id: 23,
consumer_mac: "92a3-912ba-1192a",
customer: {
email: "[email protected]",
phone_number: "08100000000",
name: "Flutterwave Developers",
customizations: {
title: "My store",
description: "Payment for",
logo: "https://assets.piedpiper.com/logo.png",
} ,
closePaymentModal() // use this to close the payment modal
2:- payWithFlutterwave(paymentObjectIncludingCallbackFunction) : This allows you to open the payment page passing the payment object and callback function
public_key: "FLWPUBK_TEST-***************************-X",
tx_ref: "susysvdus"+Math.random(),
amount: 100,
currency: "NGN",
country: "NG",
payment_options: "",
meta: {
consumer_id: 23,
consumer_mac: "92a3-912ba-1192a",
customer: {
email: "[email protected]",
phone_number: "081000000",
name: "Flutterwave Developers",
customizations: {
title: "My store",
description: "Payment for",
logo: "https://assets.piedpiper.com/logo.png",
} ,
callback: function(response){
//handle response here
3:- closePaymentModal(): Use this to close the payment page.
Payment option parameters and descriptions:
| Parameter | Always Required ? | Description | | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | public_key | True | Your API public key | | tx_ref | True | Your transaction reference. This MUST be unique for every transaction | | amount | True | Amount to charge the customer. | | currency | False | currency to charge in. Defaults to NGN| | integrity_hash | False | This is a sha256 hash of your FlutterwaveCheckout values, it is used for passing secured values to the payment gateway. | | payment_options | True | This specifies the payment options to be displayed e.g - card, mobilemoney, ussd and so on. | | payment_plan | False | This is the payment plan ID used for Recurring billing| | redirect_url | False | URL to redirect to when a transaction is completed. This is useful for 3DSecure payments so we can redirect your customer back to a custom page you want to show them. | | customer | True | This is an object that can contains your customer details: e.g - 'customer': {'email': '[email protected]','phonenumber': '08012345678','name': 'Takeshi Kovacs' } | | subaccounts | False | This is an array of objects containing the subaccount IDs to split the payment into. Check our Split Payment page for more info | | meta | False | This is an object that helps you include additional payment information to your request e.g {'consumer_id': 23,'consumer_mac': '92a3-912ba-1192a' } | | customizations | True | This is an object that contains title, logo, and description you want to display on the modal e.g{'title': 'Pied Piper Payments','description': 'Middleout isn't free. Pay the price','logo': 'https://assets.piedpiper.com/logo.png' } | | callback (function) | False | This is the function that runs after payment is completed | | close (function) | False | This is the function that runs after payment modal is closed |
Provided functions and their descriptions:
| Method Name | Parameters | Returns |Description | | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | payWithFlutterwave | InlinePaymentOptions : Object | Null | This methods allows you to setup and open the payment modal | | payWithFlutterwaveAsync | AsyncPaymentOptions : Object | Promise | This methods allows you to setup and open the payment modal via code and returns a promise containing the payment response | | closePaymentModal | waitDuration : number (Optional, default = 0) | Null | This methods allows you to close the payment modal via code. You can setup the wait time before modal close |
- Switch to Live Mode on the Dashboard settings page
- Use the Live Public API key from the API tab