A CLI Helper utility for Flutter Projects.
Getting started
flutter-factory provides a few useful commands to help you create, configure or refactor a Flutter project.
This cli requires firebase-tools to be installed and authenticated with a Firebase account.
To install the cli tool globally run
$ npm i -g flutter-factory
Now you can run the cli like so:
$ flutter-factory [options] [command]
$ flf [options] [command]
Every command has an interactive mode as well as cli options.
There are also general options that can be used with every command:
-p --path <path>
The Flutter project path-h, --help
display help for command-V --version
output the version number
Creating a new Flutter project
$ flf create [options]
Create Flutter project from flutter-factory template.
This command clones the flutter-factory template repository and lets you configure the name, android package, ios bundle and firebase configuration through an interactive process.
-n --name <name>
The name of the Android & IOS App-fn --flutter-name <name>
The name of the Flutter App (Dart package)-ap --android-package <name>
The Android package name-ib --ios-bundle <name>
The Ios bundle name
Other useful commands
$ flf rename [options]
Rename Flutter project including Ios and Android app.
-n --name <name>
The name of the Android & IOS App-fn --flutter-name <name>
The name of the Flutter App (Dart package)-ap --android-package <name>
The Android package name-ib --ios-bundle <name>
The Ios bundle name
$ flf auth [options]
Configure Auth Settings for google_sign_in and flutter_facebook_login
-sg --skip-google
Skip google auth configuration-sf --skip-facebook
Skip facebook auth configuration-fi --facebook-id <id>
Facebook Auth id-fn --facebook-name <name>
Facebook Auth name
$ flf firebase [options]
Create Ios and Android Firebase app and download configuration files.
-f --firebase <name>
The name of the Firebase project-sa --skip-android
Skip the Android app creation-an --android-name <name>
The name of the Android app in Firebase-ap --android-package <name>
The Android app package for Firebase-si --skip-ios
Skip the Ios app creation-in --ios-name <name>
The name of the Ios app in Firebase-ib --ios-bundle <name>
The Ios bundle identifier for Firebase-ia --ios-appstore <name>
The Ios Appstore Id for Firebase
$ flf help
Display help for command
To get started developing this cli clone the development branch.
git clone https://https://github.com/innFactory/flutter-factory.git -b develop
To build your current development version use npm run build
To build and watch your current development version use npm run start
Globally link local development version
If you want to globally link your local development instance you first have to uninstall the release version with
$ npm rm -g flutter-factory
and then you can run the following command in the root directory of the cloned repository.
$ npm link
This gives you access to the "flf" and "flutter-factory" commands globally linked to your current build of the cli
Otherwise you can also run the cli from its folder with
$ ts-node src/index.ts [options] [command]
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