write fluent css
Navigate in the package folder
cd node_modules/fluent-css
Install dependencies
// ../node_modules/fluent-css
npm install
Create the fluent-css.json
for your personal settings (will be created in your project-root)
// ../node_modules/fluent-css
npm run init
Create css files
// ../node_modules/fluent-css
npm run build
Usage of fluent-css
to import fluent-css, simply copy this line in your scss stylesheet (or the name you specified)
@import 'fluent-css'; // absolute path from your stylesheet e.g. -> ./fluent-css/fluent-css by default
padding and margin
<div class="padding-px pb-14 pl-14">
<div class="margin-percent mb-14 ml-14-important">
Style behind
.padding-px {
&.pb-1 {
padding-bottom: 1px;
&.pb-1-important {
padding-bottom: 1px !important;
// also with minus for margin (invalid for padding!)
&.mb-neg-1 {
margin-bottom: -1px;
<div class="display-inline-block">
<!-- easy! right? -->
Packages (Work in Progress)
- margin-padding.scss
- border.scss
- position.scss
- display.scss
- z-index.scss
- font.scss
- pointer-events.scss
Available Classes
// units: rem, em, px, percent
.margin-px.m-1 // margin: 1px
.margin-px.mb-1 // margin-bottom: 1px; mb, mt, ml, mr
.margin-percent.mb-1 // up to 64 .mb-64
// !important
// negative (not valid for padding!)
// dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, thin, medium, thick, initial, inherit
.border-solid-1 // (1-5)
.border-solid-thin-green // 140 colors
// static, absolute, fixed, relative, sticky, initial, inherit
// units: rem, em, px, percent
.position-px.top-1 // top: 1px
inline, block, contents, flex, grid, inline-block, inline-flex, inline-grid, inline-table, list-item, run-in, table, table-caption, table-column-group, table-header-group, table-footer-group, table-row-group, table-cell, table-column, table-row, none, initial, inherit
.z-index-0 // 0-64
// units: rem, em, px, percent
.font-size-percent.font-size-5; // 0, 5, 10... steps of 5 on percent
.font-weight-bold // 100-900, lighter, bold, bolder, normal
.font-style-italic // normal, italic, oblique, initial, inherit
Work in progress
Example for margin
Example for padding
#I recommend to use fluent-css.json
, but you can manually overwrite the settings like this.
Customize output folder (from you project root)
npm run build -- --output='./css'
Start sass watch (not active by default)
npm run build -- --watch
Or just start watching (with all paramters e.g. --gzip)
npm run watch
Deactivate sourcemaps default is true
npm run build -- --sourcemaps=false
Deactivate compression
npm run build -- --compress=false
Build with gzip
npm run build -- --gzip
Or start gzipping (with all paramters e.g. --package)
npm run gzip -- --clean=false
Change output filename
npm run build -- --filename=main.css
npm run build -- --filename=main.scss
npm run build -- --filename=main
adding .css
will only create css files. Adding .scss
will only create scss files, filename without ending will create both, scss and css files.
Too much? Limit to the packages you need
npm run build -- --packages='display, position'
Deactivate clean
npm run build -- --clean=false
Or just clean up
npm run clean
Combine them!
npm run build -- --gzip --compress=false --souremap=false --ouput=./css filename=main