A flexible, type-safe workflow orchestration library for Node.js
A flexible, type-safe workflow automation library for Node.js.
🚀 Core Capabilities
- Step-based workflow execution
- Conditional branching
- Parallel execution
- Type-safe context passing
⚡ Advanced Features
- Input validation (Zod integration)
- Retry mechanisms with backoff strategies
- Built-in metrics collection
- Lifecycle hooks
- Error handling and recovery
npm install flowsteps
Quick Start
import { Workflow, WorkflowContext } from "flowsteps";
interface OnboardingContext extends WorkflowContext {
userId: string;
email: string;
userProfile?: {
name: string;
preferences: {
theme: "light" | "dark";
newsletter: boolean;
welcomeEmailSent?: boolean;
analyticsTracked?: boolean;
error?: string;
const onboardingWorkflow = new Workflow<OnboardingContext>({
name: "user-onboarding",
hooks: {
onError: ({ error, stepName }) => {
console.error(`Error during ${stepName}:`, error);
fn: async ({ context }) => {
context.userProfile = {
name: context.email.split("@")[0],
preferences: {
theme: "light",
newsletter: true,
config: { name: "create-profile" },
fn: async ({ context }) => {
await sendWelcomeEmail(context.email, context.userProfile);
context.welcomeEmailSent = true;
config: {
name: "send-welcome-email",
retries: { maxAttempts: 2, backoff: { type: "fixed", delay: 2000 } },
fn: async ({ context }) => {
await trackSignup(context.userId, context.userProfile);
context.analyticsTracked = true;
config: { name: "track-analytics" },
const result = await onboardingWorkflow.execute({
context: {
userId: "user_123",
email: "[email protected]",
Core Concepts
Conditional Branching
Create dynamic workflows with condition-based execution paths:
branches: [
name: "premium-user",
condition: ({ context }) => context.userData?.isPremium,
workflow: premiumWorkflow,
name: "regular-user",
condition: ({ context }) => !context.userData?.isPremium,
workflow: regularWorkflow,
Parallel Execution
Run multiple workflows concurrently for improved performance:
const mainWorkflow = new Workflow().parallel([
Input Validation
Ensure data integrity with Zod schema validation:
import { z } from "zod";
import { ZodValidator } from "flowsteps";
const userSchema = z.object({
userId: z.number(),
email: z.string().email(),
age: z.number().min(18),
const workflow = new Workflow({
validator: new ZodValidator(userSchema),
Lifecycle hooks
Control workflow execution with fine-grained hooks to add custom behavior at various stages of the workflow.
const workflow = new Workflow<WorkflowContext>({
hooks: {
beforeWorkflow: ({ context }) => {
console.log("Starting workflow with context:", context);
beforeStep: ({ stepName, context }) => {
console.log(`Starting step: ${stepName}`);
afterStep: ({ stepName, context }) => {
console.log(`Completed step: ${stepName}`);
afterWorkflow: ({ context }) => {
console.log("Workflow completed with context:", context);
onError: ({ error, stepName, context }) => {
console.error(`Error in step ${stepName}:`, error);
API Reference
Constructor Options
| Option | Type | Description |
| ------------------ | ------------------ | ---------------------------- |
| name
| string
| Optional workflow identifier |
| validator
| Validator<T>
| Input validation handler |
| metricsCollector
| MetricsCollector
| Custom metrics collection |
| hooks
| WorkflowHooks<T>
| Lifecycle event handlers |
| Method | Description |
| ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------ |
| addStep(params: StepConstructorParams<T>)
| Add a new step to the workflow |
| addCondition(config: ConditionConfig<T>)
| Add conditional branching |
| parallel(workflows: Workflow<T>[])
| Execute workflows in parallel |
| execute(params: { context: T })
| Run the workflow |
We welcome contributions! Please see our Contributing Guide for details on how to:
- Submit issues
- Create pull requests
- Follow our coding standards
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.