Floating object liberary that changes the position of an element based on the cursor position that makes floating interactive animation effect.
Floating object liberary that changes the position of an element based on the cursor position that makes floating interactive animation effect.
1. Install
run this command
npm install floating-object
2. import
import the package in your project
Add CSS to you HTML
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./node_modules/floating-object/floating.css">
Add JavaScript to you HTML
<script src="./node_modules/floating-object/index.js"></script>
3. Add ID for floating Object
add "floating-container" for parent and "floating-object" for floating object in your HTML
<div id="floating-container">
<img id="floating-object" width="200px" src="./assets/earth.png" alt="🌍 Floating earth ">
*floating-container is a 100vw * 100vh ID which specifies the mouse interactive area. you can make it smaller but the best performance is when it's full width an height.
4. Apply floating effect on an object
Use this function floating-container: it is ID of parent element of floating object floating-object:it is ID of floating object 120: it is coefficient value that effects on object movement for example here the object will floats(moves) maximum 120px based on mouse position
floating('floating-container' , 'floating-object',120);