Minimal testing library
Logo by twitter.com/haggle
A cute testing library that barks at you.
import { suite, run } from 'flitch';
import { strict as assert } from 'assert';
// create suite with timeout of 5 seconds for all operations
const test = suite('Flitch Tests', { timeout: 5 });
// attach before/after hooks
// e.g, test.before.all, test.before.each, test.after.all, test.after.each
test.before.all = (ctx) => {
// use context object to share values within suite
ctx.sum = 0;
test('addition works', (ctx) => {
ctx.sum += 10;
assert.equal(ctx.sum, 10); // tests rely on thrown errors to detect failures
test.not('this test will be skipped', (ctx) => {
ctx.sum += 20;
assert.equal(ctx.sum, 31); // this would fail, but we're skipping this test! *shrugs*
test.skip('test.skip is an alias for test.not', async () => {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 6 * 1000));
test('this test would not timeout!', async () => {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 6 * 1000));
}, 7); // timeout can be specified per test
test('this test cleans up after itself', async (ctx) => {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2 * 1000));
ctx.sum += 100;
3, // time out after 3 seconds
(ctx) => {
ctx.sum -= 100; // cleanup
test.only('this test will run, by itself!', async (ctx) => {
let num = await Promise.resolve(50);
ctx.sum += num;
assert.equal(ctx.sum, 50);
// `not`, `skip`, and `only` can also be used on suites
const test2 = suite.skip('This whole suite will be skipped');
test2('this will never run!', () => {
assert.equal(1, 1);
run({ parallel: false }); // optionally run all suites in parallel
Save the above to test.js
and run like so:
node test.js
The above outputs:
Flitch Tests
✓ 1 tests passed
↷ 5 tests skipped
⧗ 0.001s
• • •
Passed: 1
Failed: 0
Skipped: 5
↷ 1 suites skipped
Duration: 0.004s
npm install flitch --save-dev
Running all test files in a directory
Pass a string to path
to recursively look for test files. By default, test files with .test.js
and .test.jsx
extensions will be imported. A regular expression can be passed to ext
for custom extensions.
import { run } from 'flitch';
// path: string
// relative to `process.cwd()`
path: './tests',
// ext: RegExp
// used to match filenames
ext: /\.test.(js|cjs|mjs)$/
Inspired by fantestic.