the builder of builders
🏗🏗 flipbox
the builder, of builders.
It allows you to create configs that would take hundreds or thousands of lines, with just a few properties.
all you need
import FlipBox from 'flipbox'
new FlipBox({entry: './src/index.js'}).fullAuto()
all the apps
one app? two apps? 100 apps? nodejs server, inferno, react, fusebox, and webpack? existing configs? happy and no happy pack? at the same time? no sweat.
const FlipBox = require('flipbox')
const apps = [
name: 'reacted',
config: './webpack.config.js'
fusebox: true,
name: 'infernod',
entry: './src/index.js',
presets: ['inferno'],
html: './src/index.html',
name: 'backend',
entry: './backend/src',
presets: ['node'],
happypack: false,
module.exports = new FlipBox({apps}).fullAuto()
const FlipBox = require('flipbox')
const apps = [
name: 'reacted',
presets: ['react', 'entry'],
name: 'infernod',
presets: ['inferno', 'entry'],
module.exports = new FlipBox({
presets: {
front: {
entry: './src/index.js',
html: '#root',
fusebox: true,
...oh and you can run those configs through webpack just like any other webpack config. which means you can also change the returned config in the same way.
[they are configured for each environment by default](#-default settings)
and can be customized for any config you want
it can build itself with webpack or fusebox, with the flip of an env flag
the problem
- build systems are notorious for their difficulty.
- finding and setting up the right
- scripts
- plugins
- loaders
- configs
- requiring the dependencies
- bloating your config files
- making configs for
- development bundling
- production bundling
- production dev bundling
- test environments
- development servers
- production servers
- tedious, with a high barrier of entry
- time intensive; switching build systems for 1 app is grueling
- ... all of the above for every application
the solution
- with the flip of a flag, you can go from webpack, to fusebox, or any other supported build system.
- existing webpack configs can be used and enhanced with ease.
- create plugins to start converting your build system to another, flip the switch to keep compatibility without breaking everything,
- examples-basic
- examples-basic-build
- examples-compat 🚧
- examples-flipbox
- examples-fuse-canadas
- examples-fusebox
- examples-intermediate
- examples-intermediate-tests 🚧
- examples-verbose
- needs cleaning
- needs general improvements
- needs more thought in running them all
- todo-examples
🔌 middleware
add your own middleware
- you can add your own middleware before building apps
- the name of the middleware maps in as a hook for the properties on the app
- optional index property to insert middleware at any position
- middleware interface
index: 999, // optional
name: 'propertyOnApp',
inject(app, helpers) {
helpers.log.text('❗ middleware for `.propertyOnApp`!')
return app
🐛 debugging
- ⚙ with full options for debugging everything in the flipping process, debugging is a breeze.
- see debugging - deep for all of the options
🏹 aliasing
- relatively importing files is a major pain
- when refactoring, relative imports requires updating all files affected
- manually resolving paths to root
- bloats the code
- adds knowledge about the structure to files that should not need it, such as presentation layer / ui components
- multiple versions of any npm packages
- multiple react refs when multiple versions of react are loaded
- dependencies have different versions of the same dependency
- servers such as heroku keep caches where there are multiple versions
- using aliases, you can force a single version of a dependency
- write your aliases relatively to your home
🔗 resources
🍰 presets
add your own presets
'inferno': {
loaders: ['styleloader'],
alias: ['moose', 'igloo', 'inferno'],
html: '#root',
built in presets
🍦 default settings
default defaults
env: {
production: {
uglify: true,
defineProduction: true,
run: false,
compile: true,
useSourceMaps: false,
sourceMapTool: 'hidden',
development: {
noEmitErrors: true,
adding your own defaults
this would make it so if fusebox
flag are true, it would add the fusebox property to any app that has passed filters and is being built.
flags: {
// this can also be a objects,
// or an array of strings
// or a string
names: [{flag: 'fusebox', type: 'bool', default: false}],
cb: ({fusebox}) => {
return {fusebox}
- ✔️💣🕸
- needs docs
- todo-presets
- converts shorthand code to webpack configs
- read the code
- ✔️💣🕸
💣🛅 fusebox
- converts webpack configs to fusebox configs
- read the code
- ✔️💣
- todo-build-systems
- needs to pass in more of the config
☺️️🛅 happypack
- happypack
- ✔️🕸
happypack: {
cache: false,
threads: 4,
include: [
_noop: true,
clean: false, // bool, or array<string>
🗺 sourcemaps
- ✔️💣🕸
env: {
development: {
useSourceMaps: true,
sourceMapTool: '#source-map',
production: {
useSourceMaps: true,
sourceMapTool: 'hidden',
⚖️ loaders
- ✔️💣🕸
- .loaderOptions
loaders: {
'babel': {},
'json': {},
🚩 flags
flags can be used to find global variables passed around for configuration from globals
flags: {
names: [
{flag: 'compile'},
{flag: 'exec'},
{flag: 'run'},
{flag: 'test'},
cb: ({compile, exec, run, test}) => {
var decorated = {compile, exec, run, test}
if (test) {
if (decorated.presets) {
else decorated.presets = ['test', 'mocha']
// helpers.log.verbose(decorated)
return decorated
flags: [
names: ['html'],
cb({html}) {
if (!html) return {}
var template = `./back/verbose/${html}.html`
return {html: [{template}]}
names: [{flag: 'run', type: 'bool', default: false}],
cb({run}) {
return {run}
- needs ungreedy search
- todo-flags
♼ environment
is an extension of flags as a middleware using flags
env: {
production: {
uglify: true,
defineProduction: true,
run: false,
compile: true,
sourceMaps: false,
sourceMapTool: 'hidden',
development: {
noEmitErrors: true,
☕🏳️ filters
white flags are used to filter which apps are run for different operations
apps, and app operations can be filtered based on flags either per app, or for all apps. see the examples
- writes the generated config to a file, for use with babel-module-resolver
- ✔️💣🕸
- can be used currently only for polyfilling window when you
in app operations
- ✔️🕸
- needs docs
- todo-polyfill
- allows you to exclude paths from a bundle
- ✔️💣🕸
- webpack externals
- fuse exclude
- run tests in mocha
- run tests in karma
- ^ while running dev servers at the same time
- ✔️💣🕸
- needs docs
- needs links to code
- needs links to karma and mocha
- todo-tests
👑⚔️ commander
- needs docs
- needs lots of work
- todo-commander
- multiple apps flow-app
- 🏃🏸 running
- 🔮🌐 automatic safety in ports
- ⌛ compiling
- 👂 compileEnd
- 💀 executing
- 👻 mediator
- ⛴ releasing scripts
- 📦🏗 package builder
- pipeline
- task running
- 💚📜 scripts created for ci environments
- 🔮📜 scripts for all environments and servers created and added to your packages
- 📦⬇ keep your dependencies at root to avoid symlinks and massive package sizes
- needs docs
🕳 digging deeper
🖇 helpers
🐛 deep-debugging
- 🎨 logs are styled with color & emoji for easy searchability & scannability
- 👀 full source options, when you want to see deep inside the contents, you can
- log.verbose for node util inspected colored logs
- log.source for tosource logs of the contents
- log.color for [any supported color][chalkjs] as the log level
- log.text.color for any supported color for entire log
debug: {
missingMiddleware: false,
missingLoaders: true,
devServer: true,
middleware: true,
loaders: false,
verbose: false,
built: false,
decorated: true,
time: true,
filter: true,
defaults: false,
happypack: false,
presets: false,
out: true,
order: false,
params: false,
alias: true,
fuse: true,
exec: true,
flags: true,
testOutput: true,
📒 files
- write
- read(dir)
- synchronously reads a file as a string
- isFile(file)
- returns boolean
- getFileAndPath(file)
- splits up a path
- returns {file, path}
- resolving
- root
- forKeys
- isAbsolute
- needs types
🌐 port
used for finding available ports if preferred ones are not available
- needs types
- needs option to disable
flags: {
// selector=your-custom-root-react-id
// htmlfile='./src/index.html'
// htmlfiles=['./src/index.html', './src/page2.html']
// template=[{template: './src/index.html'}]
names: [
{flag: 'htmlfiles', type: 'array'},
cb: ({selector, htmlfile, template, htmlfiles}) => {
if (selector) return {html: `#${selector}`}
if (htmlfile) return {html: htmlfile}
if (htmlfiles) return {html: [htmlfiles]}
if (template) return {html: template}
- ✔️🕸
- needs docs
- needs more fusebox support, only supports html file
📚🚧 (need docs)
- include
- builderInstance
- init
- instructions
- tasks
- copy
- define
- uglify
- analyze
- clean
- provide
🗝️⎁ terminology / key
- docs need work
- code needs work
- 💣🛅 fusebox compatible
- 🕸🛅 webpack compatible
🏭 behind the scenes
- flattening
🖇 helpers
reference & context
📅 plans
- needs docs
🏗 build systems / builders
- fusebox
app = {
fusebox: false,
fuseboxAlias: false,
- webpack - is default
🎃 tips n tricks
- 🚧 this is a wip, it has been in development for about a week and as such is not 100% stable, but is definitely worth trying