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Flg is the simplest thing ever. You give it a string with "+" and "-" and flags in it, and it returns an object.
Parse flag string
A flag string is a string including +flag
or -flag
or just flag
tokens, separated by spaces. They tell us what flags are to be turned on or turned off! You can use a flag string to define feature flags.
var flags = flg('+foo -bar +baz')
flags // -> { foo: true, bar: false, baz: true }
It also does defaults.
var defaults = { foo: false, bar: true }
var flags = flg('+foo', defaults)
flags // -> { foo: true, bar: true }
The plus sign is implied. And spaces are optional.
flg('foo') // -> { foo: true }
flg('-foo+bar') // -> { foo: false, bar: true }
Stringify flag string
(see "parse flag string"'s first paragraph for an explanation on what a flag string is)
You can also stringify an object into a flag string. The flags that come out are sorted alphabetically.
flg.stringify({ foo: true }) // -> '+foo'
And if you pass a defaults object, it will omit any values which are the same as the default.
var defaults = { foo: false, bar: true }
flg.stringify({ foo: false, baz: true }, defaults) // -> '+baz'
And you can turn off spaces by doing this
flg.stringify({ foo: true, baz: false }, {}, { spaces: false }) // -> '-baz +foo'