TypeScript implementation of the Apache Flex SDK.
TypeScript implementation of the Apache Flex SDK. Compiles converted ActionScript projects using the "@kulikov.peter/flex-sdk" private module.
Flex TypeScript Builder
Before you start
Make sure you have everything you need:
- Node.js version 12 or higher (LTS)https://nodejs.org
- Microsoft VSCodehttps://code.visualstudio.com
- Debugger for Chromehttps://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=msjsdiag.debugger-for-chrome
Getting started with the project
The module "flex-ts-sdk" must be available to compile the converted project:
> npm install -g flex-ts-sdk
Now you can build a project by passing the directory path:
> ftsb .
Or in the case of a locally installed module:
> node build
To view the compilation options:
> ftsb help
1.0.76 - 2021.09.23
- Extended support for JXR format with RGB color space.
1.0.75 - 2021.08.13
- Improved parsing URLVariables using the browser.
- Fixed navigateToURL not behaving correctly in some situations.
- Fixed an issue with broken graphics on mobile devices in some situations (also improved performance).
- Fixed an issue with embedding a symbol from a swf when there is no decompiled class for it.
- Added ability to turn off auto-switching in StageScaleMode.AUTO_SCALE (Stage.autoScaleMode).
1.0.74 - 2021.07.07
- Disabled WebAssembly for Chrome versions 91 and 92 under Android, due to bug with C ++ memory expansion.
- Fixed the hitTestObject function. Intersection testing is now done on the common parent, if there is one.
- Added validation of arguments for setting width and height in TextField. NaN and Infinity are ignored.
- Fixed a bug in the globalToLocal function. The point that was passed as an argument would break if the browser or OS had scaling.
- Added Event.CONSTRUCT event which is sent by the LoaderInfo before the content is constructed.
- Additional functionality Bitmap.region (Rectangle) for drawing a piece of Bitmap.bitmapData.
1.0.73 - 2021.06.09
- Fixed bug with readBytes function in ByteArray when length == 0.
1.0.72 - 2021.06.07
- Fixed crash in base.js when loading classes for swf files.
- Fixed getTextFormat for non-empty text.
1.0.71 - 2021.06.04
- Fixed problem with intersection of classes from unloaded swf files.
1.0.70 - 2021.06.02
- Type conversion fixes: Number, Class, Function.
- Fixed data in describeType, describeTypeJSON.
- Fixed bug when applying TagRemoveObject, TagPlaceObject tags together in MovieClip machine.
- Fixed writeBytes function behavior in ByteArray (now position is not shifted).
- Fixed a bug in Dictionary with weak references when the key was a function.
- Reworked the logic for drawing a masking layer and objects below it.
- Reworked logic for adding objects to DisplayObjectContainer when masking layer is present.
- Added cloning of event objects when they are re-displayed.
1.0.69 - 2021.05.13
- Fixed text box alignment.
- Fixed a stack overflow bug when stopping and resuming the timeline in MovieClip.
- Fixed incorrect alpha channel application for some images in swf.
- TextField.setTextFormat now gives "correct" formatting for empty text.
- Added paragraph framing to the TextField.htmlText getter.
- Workaround for a bug in WebGL.clear along with clipping on Intel (U) HD 630.
1.0.68 - 2021.05.07
- WebGL 2.0 support (if available).
- Support for weakKeys argument in Dictionary (except Safari).
- Support for useWeakReference argument in EventDispatcher.addEventListener (except Safari).
- Memory optimization when parsing fonts in swf.
- Optimize video memory consumption (freeing up system textures).
- Correct matrix decomposition into components: rotation, scaleX, scaleY.
- Fixed search of anonymous functions in Dictionary, Array, Vector..
- Fixed an issue where an XML file begins with a comment, it is identified as "text" and is not parsed.
- Fixed PerlinNoiseFilter artifacts in the Mozilla browser.
- Fixed a bug in TextField.getTextFormat.
- Fixed a bug when parsing png format in 64bit.
- Fixed freeze in BitmapData.floodFill in some situations.
- Added support for DropShadowFilter with inner, knockout, hideObject parameters.
- Added static function "resetReferenceCount" to Loader, which resets reference count for swf files.
- Added possibility to hide fps panel using right mouse button.
1.0.65 - 2021.04.21
- Correct work of the linked list of lines in TextBlock.as (flex / spark).
- If the width of TextField is less than 4, ignore the wordWrap parameter no matter what size the font is.
- Rendering StaticText when using multiple letter spacing.
1.0.64 - 2021.04.19
- Fixed crash when parsing PNG with palette.
- Fixed a bug of drawing very thin Graphics (most often lines when there are no other instructions).
1.0.62 - 2021.04.16
- Support for PNG images with alpha channel in tRNS.
1.0.61 - 2021.04.14
- Fixed a bug where embedded images could be destroyed.
- Correct display of objects along with skew and negative scales.
- Correct adjustment of Stage3D viewport when zooming browser or OS.
- Sometimes the viewport for the canvas wasn't applied correctly at several consecutive browser scales.
- Now the player is ready to use, immediately after updating it.
1.0.60 - 2021.04.09
- Fixed parsing Gif images.
- Enhanced functionality for reference counting.
1.0.59 - 2021.04.08
- Now, when calling the Loader.unloadAndStop function, SWF file data will not be unloaded immediately if there are objects on the scene that use this data. After the loss of all references, an automatic unloading will occur.
- Added two new static functions in Loader, for additional counting of references to data of SWF files.
- Optimization of memory when loading SWF files, after such data has been marked as unloaded.
1.0.58 - 2021.04.06
- Fixed duplicate graphics in animation.
- Optimization of RAM in MovieClip.
- Parsing URLVariables using the browser (if possible).
- Fixed bug in BitmapData.copyPixels when sourceBitmapData was transparent, but destination was not.
1.0.57 - 2021.03.26
- Fixed artifacts during WebGL optimization of vector graphics.
1.0.56 - 2021.03.25
- Fixed a memory leak.
- Fixed a stack break when trying to flush sockets in the background.
- Fixed a problem with scrolling the page when entering text.
- Support for JPEG-images with four-color CMYK autotype.
1.0.53 - 2021.03.12
- 64bit color support for png.
1.0.52 - 2021.03.10
- Fixed incorrect operation of the Array.sortOn method with NaN values.
- Fixed a bug in the BitmapData.threshold function where none of the pixels passed the threshold value check in combination with copySource.
- Fixed text formatting errors that contain \r \n.
- Additional adjustment of renderingMode in Graphics (flash.display.RenderingMode).
- Correctly applying styles to TextField.htmlText.
1.0.51 - 2021.03.05
- Removed botox from lips and eyes.
1.0.50 - 2021.03.03
- Fixed graphic artifact when increasing the size of vector objects, from 0 to N.
1.0.49 - 2021.03.03
- Fixed search for classes in MovieClip timeline using the cache of previous results.
- Fixed search for classes with invalid names.
- Support for non-breaking space in TextField.htmlText.
- Fixed incorrect operation of the BitmapData.threshold function.
- Fixed rendering fraction in BitmapData in public API.
1.0.48 - 2021.02.26
- Added support for MouseEvent.RELEASE_OUTSIDE events.
- Support for html tag <li> in the text field.
- With disabled TextField: multiline mode, ignore html tags <p> and <li>.
1.0.46 - 2021.02.24
- Serializing objects when passing it through ExternalInterface identical to flash.
- Now the focus in the iframe is not lost when interacting with DOM elements, when the focus is forced on them.
- Fixed looping when accessing ApplicationDomain.parentDomain in some situations.
- When you deactivate an application, all asynchronous code is suspended.
1.0.45 - 2021.02.19
- Serializing the Dictionary when passing it through ExternalInterface.
- Fixed incorrect order of propagation of some events.
- Now the ADDED_TO_STAGE event is not dispatched twice in some situations.
- In the REMOVED_FROM_STAGE event, not only stage, but also parent is now available.
- Fixed graphical artifacts in BlurFilter.
- The availability of loaderInfo in some situations.
- Fixed hang when decoding sounds that could not be decoded by the browser.
1.0.44 - 2021.02.17
- Hotfix for "Dynamic definition of children, when creating an object from SWF".
1.0.43 - 2021.02.16
- If the glyph width exceeds the maximum, use the last width (for broken fonts).
- Fixed broken parent of SimpleButton state.
- Fixed issue with antialias in Graphics (tiling).
- Automatic restoration of a global package after overwriting it.
- Dynamic definition of children, when creating an object from SWF (if the class did not contain graphic content, then it will be expanded with that of SWF).
- Correct reference to existing ByteArray in AMF serialization.
- Now focus is not lost in other iframes when you hover the mouse over the application.
- Ignoring dubbing in GraphicsGradient with ratio == 255.
1.0.42 - 2021.02.04
- In the context menu, inactive items are now grayed out.
1.0.41 - 2021.02.04
- Fixed problems with jerking graphics.
- Fixed problem with vector lines 0.1 and large scale.
- Optimization of AMF serialization.
- Fixed clipped masks.
- Correct work of masks with radial fillings.
- New debug menu.
1.0.40 - 2021.01.29
- TextField.htmlText fixed character escaping issue.
- If the mouse is outside the screen, now the MOUSE_MOVE event is not dispatched when dragging objects.
1.0.39 - 2021.01.28
- When embedding symbols from swf, the fonts they use are now searched in the global scope.
- Correct application of ColorTransform in some situations.
- Correct application of scale9Grid in some situations.
- Now the mouseEnabled and visible fields inside the engine do not break (when these properties are temporarily changed).
- Fixed bug with finding constructor for objects from swf
- SimpleGraphics combined with negative a, d in the fill matrix.
- In newDisplayObjectRoot, _root was incorrectly set to the prototype chain (broke base classes).
- getDefinitionByName and ApplicationDomain (catalog priority).
- Fixed potential hitArea bug.
1.0.38 - 2021.01.27
- Removed false notification about Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE.
- In the MovieClip timeline, if there are errors in the constructors, this will not break the stack.
1.0.37 - 2021.01.26
- Fixed rendering of radial gradients.
- TextField.htmlText processes text without bordering tags.
- TextField.getTextFormat returns formatting with parameters common to all text.
- Fixed function Graphics.copyForm.
1.0.36 - 2021.01.21
- Instantiating classes from MovieClip timeline.
1.0.35 - 2021.01.19
- TextField cursor style (minor fix).
- Copy text in full screen mode.
1.0.34 - 2021.01.15
- Fixed rendering of linear gradients.
- Reworked items in the context menu.
1.0.33 - 2021.01.14
- Bug fix when reusing objects in the timeline.
- Fixed enumeration of keys in for in (prototype chain).
- Stage.displayState and StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE.
1.0.32 - 2021.01.13
- Fixed selection and formatting in TextField.
- Fixed InteractiveObject.mouseEnabled.
- Fixed leading in DynamicText.
- Fixed Clumping in Graphics.beginBitmapFill.
1.0.31 - 2021.01.11
- Fixed enumeration of values in for each.
- Correct positioning of text fields from swf.
- Applied scale9Grid when creating MovieClip from swf.
- DisplayObject.blendShader support.
- Fixed render SolidColorStroke with alpha.
1.0.30 - 2021.01.06
- scale9Grid render quality.
1.0.28 - 2021.01.05
- Interacting with DOM elements.
1.0.27 - 2021.01.04
- Fixed crash when creating DisplayObject cache.
- Ability to move objects with the mouse outside the Stage.
1.0.26 - 2020.12.30
- MorphShape as mask.
- Issues with a mouse events and hitTest.
- Ability to instantiate a class from a reference to the loaded object's constructor from swf.
1.0.25 - 2020.12.28
- A lot of optimizations and fixes.
1.0.18 - 2020.11.24
- Stable version.
1.0.1 - 2020.09.10
- Draft.