flat ui radio select field builder
flat radio field
A mobile/touch optimized radio select in the style of Flat UI. For use with NPM modules Browserify and brfs.
npm install flat-radio-field
To play with this repo, or see the example
npm install -g browserify opa
git clone [this repo]
cd [this repo]
opa -e example.js -n
It's a function that will return a fieldset HTMLElement with your options. Default width is 100%, so you should probably put in a container div, or set the width value on the fieldset.
Actual radio inputs are used, so this will/should work inside a normal form element.
It takes an options/config object:
legend: title of the options list (used in the legend Element)
name: the name for the value all the radios represent (the key for the field)
options: an array of objects with at least a 'value' param (and optionally a 'checked' param)
color: the overall color // optional
legendColor: just the text color of the legend // optional
fontColor: font colors for radio options // optional
selected: color to fill selected radios with // optional
from example.js
var radioField = require('./flatradio.js');
var config = {legend: 'love me with a', name: 'osc-type', options: [{value: 'sine'}, {value: 'triangle'}, {value: 'saw', checked: true}]}
var fieldset = radioField(config)
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.style.width = '220px';