Common components used by many modern react js apps at Flipkart
It is a npm package, which will have all the common components of FPG Fintech. It can be used across all the FPG fintech UI products(fk-cp-fintech, insurance, advanz app).
What all it has ?
1 .Storybook to build UI components isolated from the logic, using the fake mockups. 2. Plop, to automatically generate the React Components.
##Steps to publish the version:
Create an account in global npm registry :
npm login: Comment the flipkart registry and un-comment the global registry entry in .npmrc, to get logged in to the global registry.
Username: [npmjs created username] Password: [npmjs Password] Email: [flipkart email address].
If 2FA is enabled, there will be one more ask for 2FA OTP Authenticator(OTP) :[add from the Authenticator].
Once user is logged, it will show the registry, where the user is logged as.
- npm publish, update the package.json, for the new changes and then run the command. If 2FA is enabled, there will be ask for the OTP, please add and proceed further.