UI utilities
Fizzy UI utils
UI utility & helper functions
Used in Flickity, Isotope, Masonry, Draggabilly
npm: npm install fizzy-ui-utils
Yarn: yarn add fizzy-ui-utils
// browser global
const utils = window.fizzyUIUtils;
// CommonJS
const utils = require('fizzy-ui-utils');
// JavaScript module
import utils from 'fizzy-ui-utils';
// ---- ---- //
utils.makeArray( obj )
// make array from object
// makeArray('single object') => [ 'single object' ]
utils.modulo( num, div )
// num [modulo] div
utils.removeFrom( ary, obj )
// remove object from array
utils.getQueryElement( elem )
// if elem is a string, use it as a selector and return element
MyClass.prototype.handleEvent = utils.handleEvent;
// enable MyClass.onclick when element.addEventListener( 'click', this, false )
utils.filterFindElements( elems, selector )
// iterate through elems, filter and find all elements that match selector
utils.debounceMethod( MyClass, methodName, threhold )
// debounce a class method
utils.docReady( callback )
// trigger callback on document ready
utils.toDashed( str )
// 'camelCaseString' -> 'camel-case-string'
utils.htmlInit( MyClass, namespace )
// on document ready, initialize MyClass on every element
// that matches [data-my-class] attribute
// pass in JSON options from attribute value
Legacy API The following methods were available in v2, and still available in v3, but should be avoided in favor of native browser API
utils.extend( a, b )
// extend object
// use Object.assign() or { ...obj } instead
utils.getParent( elem, selector )
// get parent element of an element, given a selector string
// use elem.closest( selector ) instead
Browser support
Fizzy UI utils uses ES2018 features like spread operators and arrow functions. As such its browser support is: Chrome 46+, Firefox 34+, Safari 10+, and Edge 12+.
For older browser support, including IE10 and Android 4, try v2.
MIT license. Have at it.
By Metafizzy 🌈🐻