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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Comparison functions with fixed ordering for selected values.





Make a sort comparator function that enforces arbitrary orderings.

Fixed, Arbitrary Ordering

The Array.sort() method accepts an optional comparator function. fixedSort generates a comparator function that will place a set of identified items at the start of the sorted array, in the order you specify, with all other items at the end of the array in their original relative order.

const fixedSort = require("fixed-sort");

// Some building layers
const data = [
  "ground floor",
  "first floor",

// Order building layers
const ord = fixedSort([
  "ground floor",
  "first floor",
  "second floor", // unused
  "third floor", // unused

// Sort according to our ordering

//  [
//    "foundation",   // matched items in our fixed order
//    "ground floor",
//    "first floor",
//    "attic",
//    "roof",         // end of matched items
//    "garage",       // unmatched items in original order
//    "shed"
//  ];


In Typescript the type of the returned comparator function will, by default, be determined by the types of the items in the ordering list.

import fixedSort from "fixed-sort";

const compare = fixedSort(["three", "two", "one"]);
// compare is (a:string, b:string) => number

const data = ["one", "two", "three", "A", "B", "C"];


// ["three", "two", "one", "A", "B", "C"]

Defining Ordering

In the example above the order of the sort is defined by a list of string literals. Sometimes you want to group whole classes of things together. To do that you can use RegExps and callback functions in the list of ordering terms.

In the next example the various sections of a book will be sorted appropriately.

const fixedSort = require("fixed-sort");

// This book has got out of shape
const book = [
  "Chapter 3",
  "Chapter 1",
  "Appendix 1",
  "Appendix 2",
  "Chapter 2"

// Use RegExps to match all items of a class
const orderBook = fixedSort([
  /^Chapter \d+/, // Match any chapter
  /^Appendix \d+/, // Match any appendix


// Getting there, read on...
//  [
//    "Foreword",
//    "Intro",
//    "Chapter 3",
//    "Chapter 1",
//    "Chapter 2",
//    "Appendix 1",
//    "Appendix 2",
//    "Index"
//  ];

Now we have everything grouped correctly - but the chapters and appendixes are in the wrong order. Read on to find out how to solve this problem with a fallback comparator. Before that let's have a quick look at predicate functions.

Predicate Functions

The ordering list may also include predicate functions. The above example could instead have been written like this:

// Use functions to match all items of a class
const orderBook = fixedSort([
  v => v.startsWith("Chapter "),
  v => v.startsWith("Appendix "),

Predicate functions will be called once for each distinct value in the array being sorted.

Fallback Comparator

The book example above groups the chapters and indexes but items within those groups are in their original relative order. We want them in numeric order.

We can fix that by providing a fallback comparator function which looks for embedded numbers and orders by them if possible. Here's the corrected code.

const fixedSort = require("fixed-sort");

// This book has got out of shape
const book = [
  "Chapter 3",
  "Chapter 1",
  "Chapter 20",
  "Appendix 1",
  "Appendix 2",
  "Chapter 2"

// Natural ordering
const cmp = (a, b) => (a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0);

// Order numerically (+ve integers only) if possible
const numOrder = (a, b) => {
  // Look for +ve integers
  const an = a.match(/\d+/);
  const bn = b.match(/\d+/);

  // If both strings contain numbers order on them
  if (an && bn) return cmp(Number(an[0]), Number(bn[0]));

  // Fall back on natural ordering
  return cmp(a, b);

const orderBook = fixedSort(
  ["Foreword", "Intro", /^Chapter \d+/, /^Appendix \d+/, "Index"],
  // Fallback to numerical ordering which in turn falls back to
  // lexical ordering


// Now everything is in the right place.
//  [
//    "Foreword",
//    "Intro",
//    "Chapter 1",
//    "Chapter 2",
//    "Chapter 3",
//    "Chapter 20",
//    "Appendix 1",
//    "Appendix 2",
//    "Index"
//  ];

Using a fixedSort as a Fallback Comparator

You can pass a comparator function created by fixedSort() as a fallback.

const fixedSort = require("fixed-sort");
const data = ["xA", "xB", "xC", "yA", "yB", "yC"];

// Nested fixedSort
const ordCByx = fixedSort([/C/, /B/], fixedSort([/y/, /x/]));

//  ["yC", "xC", "yB", "xB", "xA", "yA"];

Passing a Ranking Function

We saw that each entry in the ordering list can be

  • a literal value: any type apart from
  • a RegExp
  • a predicate function

For maximum flexibility, instead of passing an ordering list you may pass a function which takes each value being compared and returns its corresponding sort rank.

This highly contrived ranker sorts in this order:

  1. odd positive integers
  2. even positive integers
  3. nulls
  4. negative non-integers
  5. positive non-integers
  6. anything else
  7. even negative integers
  8. odd negative integers
const fixedSort = require("fixed-sort");

const data = [2, 1.3, 4, 7, null, -4, -3, 3.14, 9, null, -3.2, -1, 11, "f"];

const ranker = v => {
  if (v === null) return -1;
  if (!isNaN(v)) {
    if (v < 0) return -ranker(-v);
    if (v === Math.floor(v)) {
      if (v % 2) return -3;
      return -2;
  return 0;

// No practical use is known for this...

//  [
//    7,     // odd positive integers
//    9,
//    11,
//    2,     // even positive integers
//    4,
//    null,  // nulls
//    null,
//    -3.2,  // negative non-integers
//    1.3,   // positive non-integers
//    3.14,
//    "f",   // everything else
//    -4,    // even negative integers
//    -3,    // odd negative integers
//    -1
//  ];

The ranking function maps values to the groups in which they belong. It should return a number corresponding to the rank of the supplied term. Lower values will sort earlier.

The ranking function will be called once for each distinct value in the array being sorted. It must be a pure function: for any given input it must always return the same value.

Performance and Memory Use

Each value in the array being sorted is resolved into its sort rank only once - even though the sort algorithm may visit it many times. The cache for these values is discarded when the comparator function returned by fixedSort() goes out of scope.
