Fitbit client API for OAuth2
Fitbit OAuth2 Client
Client library to support interfacing with the Fitbit API using OAuth2.
This library implements the Authorization Code Grant Flow for Fitbit. Specifically, this flow allows a browser-less server to make Fitbit API calls using a persisted token. The initial user authorization must be done in a browser environment. If the token returned is persisted (to a database for example), then subsequent API calls may be made on behalf of the user by webserver or by non-webserver code. This library automatically handles token refreshes.
This is a complete rewrite of code from (and The reason for the rewrite was that the code was old and utilized libraries that contained security problems.
npm install fitbit-oauth2-client
Usage Example
In a webapp
const express = require('express');
const RateLimit = require('express-rate-limit');
const appConfig = require( './config/appConfig' );
const {Fitbit, FileTokenManager} = require( 'fitbit-oauth2-client' );
const JSON_INDENT = 3;
const EXPRESS_HTTP_PORT = 4000;
const ONE_MINUTE = 60000;
// Create instance
const app = express();
// Set up rate limiter: maximum of five requests per minute
var limiter = new RateLimit({
windowMs: ONE_MINUTE, // 1 minute
max: 5
// apply rate limiter to all requests
// Instanciate a fitbit client. See example config below.
var fitbit = new Fitbit( appConfig.fitbit, new FileTokenManager(appConfig.fitbit.tokenFilePath) );
// In a browser, http://localhost:4000/fitbit to authorize a user for the first time.
app.get('/fitbit', function (req, res) {
res.redirect( fitbit.authorizeURL() );
// Callback service parsing the authorization token and asking for the access token. This
// endpoint is refered to in config.fitbit.authorization_uri.redirect_uri. See example
// config below.
app.get('/fitbit_auth_callback', function (req, res, next) {
var code = req.query.code;
fitbit.fetchToken(code).then(token => {
LOGGER.debug("Token fetched and persisted: ", token);
res.redirect( '/fb-profile' );
}).catch(err => {
next( err );
// Call an API. fitbit.request() mimics nodejs request() library, automatically
// adding the required oauth2 headers. The callback is a bit different, called
// with ( err, body, token ). If token is non-null, this means a refresh has happened
// and you should persist the new token.
app.get( '/fb-profile', function( req, res, next ) {
uri: "",
method: 'GET',
}).then(response => {
res.send( '<pre>' + JSON.stringify(, null, JSON_INDENT ) + '</pre>' );
}).catch(err => {
next( err );
Outside of a webapp
Once a token has been persisted, you can write non-webapp code to call Fitbit APIs. When the token expires, this library will automatically refresh the token and carry on. Here's an example:
const appConfig = require( './config/appConfig' );
const {Fitbit, FileTokenManager} = require( 'fitbit-oauth2-client' );
const JSON_INDENT = 3;
const EXPRESS_HTTP_PORT = 4000;
// Instanciate a fitbit client. See example config below.
var fitbit = new Fitbit( appConfig.fitbit, new FileTokenManager(appConfig.fitbit.tokenFilePath) );
// Make an API call
uri: "",
method: 'GET',
}).then(response => {
console.log("Profile:", JSON.stringify(, null, JSON_INDENT ));
}).catch(err => {
An example configuration file:
"fitbit": {
"timeout": 10000,
"creds": {
"clientId": "YOUR-CIENT-ID",
"clientSecret": "YOUR-CLIENT-SECRET"
"tokenFilePath": "./path/to/my-token-file.json",
"uris": {
"authorizationUri": "",
"authorizationPath": "/oauth2/authorize",
"tokenUri": "",
"tokenPath": "/oauth2/token"
"authorizationUri": {
"redirectUri": "http://localhost:4000/fitbit_auth_callback/",
"scope": "activity nutrition profile settings sleep social weight heartrate",
"state": "3(#0/!~"
The configuration parameters have changed slightly, the following have changed:
- clientID --> clientId
- authorization_uri --> authorizationUri
- redirect_uri --> redirectUri
- response_type has been removed (was not used)
Token Storage
A token is a JSON blob, and looks like this:
"access_token": ACCESS_TOKEN,
"expires_in": SECONDS,
"expires_at": "20150829T10:20:25",
"refresh_token": REFRESH_TOKEN
new Fitbit( config )
FileTokenManager is used to persist tokens, config needs to define property tokenFilePath which needs to define a valid file path.
new Fitbit( config, persistManager )
Constructor. See example config above. Persist manager must define methods read, write. Both methods should return a promise, see FileTokenManager.js for an example.
read() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Do you magic here, for example read from an database
write(token) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Do you magic here, for example write to an database
The library provides a token manager that reads/writes to file (FileTokenManager).
authorizeURL(): String
Used in a webapp to get the authorization URL to start the OAuth2 handshake. Typical usage:
app.get( '/auth', function( req, res ) {
res.redirect( fitbit.authorizeURL() );
fetchToken( code ): Promise
Used in a webapp to handle the second step of OAuth2 handshake, to obtain the token from Fitbit. See example above for usage.
request( options ): Promise
Call a Fitbit API. The options structure is the same as axios library and in fact is passed almost strait through to axios. The cb() is called with (err, body, token). If token is not null, then it means that a token refresh has happened and you should persist the new token.
After a call to request(), you can make this call to get the Fitbit API limits returned in the response headers. This will look something like:
"limit": "150",
"remaining": "146",
"reset": "932"
Running tests
Short description on how to run the tests, follow the OAuth 2.0 tutorial page on fitbit test app page using flow type Authorization Code Flow on
- Create a test app and get client id, client secret, token and refresh token.
- Copy token-test.json.sample into token-test.json and fill in the information.
- Copy .env.sample into .env and fill in the information.
- Run tests using npm run test
Things that will come....
- Support for Fitbit subscription API
- A Thin extendable wrapper for performing common REST API calls. Will make things easier to use since you will not need to read Fitbit documentation.