component install for fisx
Install component package command for fisx.
How to use
Install specified package
fisx install er # install the latest version, using the default endpoint
fisx install echarts@^2.0.0 # specify the version information
fisx install ecomfe/[email protected] # install component from github
fisx install github:ecomfe/[email protected] # is equivalent to previous commad, specify the endpoint
fisx install edp:er # install component from edp registry
fisx install npm:jquery # install component from npm
fisx install gitlab:fis-components/jquery # install component from gitlab
fisx install moye2=ecomfe/moye # specify the alias name `moye2`
fisx install # install from url
fisx intall ./xx/ # install from local
fisx install npm:etpl --registry # specify custom registry
fisx install npm:react --registry # using the custom registry
By default, the component package information will always save to dependencies
of package.json
If not specify the endpoint, it'll use the default edp
endpoint. If you wanna change the default endpoint
, using the component.defaultEndPoint
configure item:
fis.set('component.defaultEndPoint', {type: 'github', value: 'ecomfe'});
fis.set('component.defaultEndPoint', {type: 'npm'}); // default using ``
fis.set('component.defaultEndPoint', {type: 'npm', value: '<your default registry>'});
If using gitlab, some custom options you can configure:
fis.set('component.defaultGitlabDomain', 'http://<your gitlab domain>');
fis.set('component.defaultGitlabToken', '<private token>');
The private token information, you can refer here. By default the private token value will be read from environment variable GITLAB_TOKEN
Init project dependence
fisx install # install all deps and devdeps specified in `package.json`
fisx install --production # only install dependencies, exclude devdependencies
View help information
fisx install -h