Simple api
This is a basic REST API which contains some endpints with get method implemented. This API also is dcumented and is end to end tested and the commands to inplement them is shown below
- Documentation : using JSDoc
- Testing : using jest
Documentation :
Commands first install jsdoc as dev dependency
npm install --save-dev jsdoc
then add a configuration file jsdoc.json the add a script in package.json
"doc": "jsdoc -c jsdoc.json"
then run the below command on your console
npm run doc
//here we can use anything insted of doc but first it need to be changed in script tag
when we run this command a docs folder is created which can also be changed by changing destination tag in "jsdoc.json" . Now for API we need to install a plugin and then add it to plugin in jsdoc.json
npm install --save-dev jsdoc-http-plugin
Testing :
Note: If we are testing a .js file then its testing is done in .test.js file . commands first install jest as dev dependency
npm install --save-dev jest
Then change content of script "test" to
then after adding the code in .test.js file run the below command on the terminal
npm run test
//here test is written because we mentioned test in script
Now to add Code Coverage change content of script "test" to
jest --coverage
now run the test command and a coverage folder will be created.It contains a folder lcov-report.In that folder run run index.html file for code coverage. As we are testing api so we need Axios and to install it run the following command
npm install axios
then include it in require on the top of file ,also include below to avoid error by using axios.
const axios = require('axios');
axios.defaults.adapter = require('axios/lib/adapters/http');