Firestore intsance mock for the Firebase Admin SDK
A Firestore mock for node, intended to replace the node Firestore instance from the Firebase Admin SDK to allow for easy testing. Simply replace a Firestore instance with a FirestoreMock instance and run tests without having to set up the Firestore emulator. The FirestoreMock instance is lightweight and functions with async/await calls.
Install through npm: npm install firestore-mock
Import and instantiate the mock instance:
const FirestoreMock = require('firestore-mock')
const firestore = new FirestoreMock()
Get, set, update, and delete documents the same as a normal Firestore instance. All data is stored locally on the instance. All DocumentSnapshot methods are mocked:
firestore.collection('Users').doc('user1').set({name: 'Stan'})
let user = firestore.collection('Users').doc('user1).get()
console.log(user.exists) //returns true
console.log( //returns 'user1'
console.log( //returns {name: 'Stan'}
firestore.collection('Users').doc('user1').update({name: 'Stan Stanson'}) //update method
firestore.collection('Users').doc('user1').set({'authentication': 'google'}, {merge: true}) //create or update method
firestore.collection('Users').doc('user1').delete() //deleted doc
Collection methods are are also available, as well as the following query filters: '<', '<=', '==', '>=', '>', 'array-contains', 'array-contains-any', and 'in':
firestore.collection('Users').doc('user1').set({name: 'Stan'})
let users = firestore.collection('Users').get();
console.log(users.empty) //returns false
console.log( // returns array of DocumentSnapshotMocks
//filter queries:
users = firestore.collection('Users').where('name', '==', 'Stan Stanson').get()
Javascript Date objects on a saved document are converted into TimestampMocks with the toDate and toMillis methods:
firestore.collection('Users').doc('user2').set({name: 'Jan', date: new Date()})
let user = firestore.collection('Users').doc('user2').get()
console.log( //returns Javascript Date object
console.log( //returns unix timestamp
Transactions and batch writes are also supported:
const user_ref = firestore.collection('Users').doc('user2')
const batch = firestore.batch()
batch.update(user_ref, {name: 'Jan Jandaughter'})
firestore.runTransaction(transaction => {
let user = transaction.get(user_ref)
transaction.update(user_ref, {date: new Date()})
All data is saved locally on the _db._collections property of the Firestore instance for easy debugging when writing tests:
firestore._db.collections //returns {Users: {user2: { name: 'Jan Jandaughter', ...} } }