A npm package to help you generate documents or users for your firebase project
Firedum - an firestore package for quick testing
A package to generate customized mock data to to you firebase project quickly. All mock data gets generated using faker.js Any firedum function that can get passed fields will take all key-value pairs with a falsy value, such as a empty string, and check if the given key is a faker function. If it is, firedum will generate a value for that key with the faker function. For more information please read faker.js documentation
npm i firedum -D
// index.js / index.ts
import { fs } from './firebase';
import { firedumAdd } from 'firedum';
await firedumAdd({
collectionReference: fs.collection('users'),
fields: {
firstName: '',
lastName: 'Bar'
numberOfDocuments: 10
Initialize firebase app
// firebase.js / firebase.ts
import firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/firestore';
const app = firebase.initializeApp({
export const fs = firebase.firestore();
export default app;
Adds new documents to a given collection
import { firedumAdd } from 'firedum';
await firedumAdd({
// a reference to a firestore collection - REQUIRED
collectionReference: fs.collection('users'),
fields: {
// a lsit of fields to be added to the each document
age: 21,
firstName: '',
zipCode: '',
// NOTE that firedum uses faker.js for generating the mock data,
// if you pass a key with a falsy value, e.g '', firedum will try generating
// the value from what the key is, any faker.js function name can be passed as a key
favoriteColor: ':color'
// number of items to be added to the collection - defaults to 1
numberOfDocuments: 10,
// if documents gets passed firedum will ignore 'numberOfDocuments' variable and only add the given documents
documents: [
{ job: 'Teacher', salary: '$1,022' },
{ job: 'Lawyer', salary: '$1,841' },
{ job: 'Cook', salary: '$1,197' }
// NOTE if fields gets passed along with documents all the fields will be added along side each doc,
// any falsy value will be generated with faker
Updates every document in a collection
import { firedumUpdate } from 'firedum';
await firedumUpdate({
// a reference to a firestore collection - REQUIRED
collectionReference: fs.collection('users'),
// a lsit of fields to be change to the document
fields: {
lastName: 'Baz', // changes the lastName property of each document to 'Baz'
firstName: '', // will generate a random first name with faker
age: 54 // changes the age property of each document to 54
// NOTE if a document doesn't have a given field, firedum will add it
Adding new users via authentication with email and password
import firedum, { firedumCreateUser } from 'firedum';
// initialize your app so that firedum can access your the authentication to create new users
await firedumCreateUser({
// adds 10 new users
amountOfUsers: 10, // defaults to 1
// fields to be added to a users collections in firestore for each user that gets created
fields: {
// a lsit of fields to be added to the each document
age: 21,
firstName: '',
zipCode: ''
// NOTE that firedum uses faker.js for generating the mock data,
// if you pass a key with a falsy value, e.g '', firedum will try generating
// the value from what the key is, any faker.js function name can be passed as a key
// a firestore collection reference to add the user documents to
// if this is not passed in it will default to the 'users' collection
usersCollectionReference: fs.collection('users')
// NOTE that all documents created will have the id of the user that it was created for
If you would like to have documents with fields but also collections
The following code generates 5 documents in the users collection with a random first and last name. Then each of the of the newly documents gets a new collection called colors, the colors collection then gets 5 new documents with a single field, color
In total 25 documents was created
You can use this technic to nest how many collections you want, be carful tho as the number of document writes will drastically increase the more you nest
import { firedumAdd } from 'firedum';
await firedumAdd({
collectionReference: fs.collection('users'),
fields: {
firstName: '',
lastName: ''
numberOfDocuments: 5
}).then(async ({ ids, reference }) => {
await Promise.all( (id) => {
await firedumAdd({
collectionReference: reference.doc(id).collection('colors'),
fields: {
color: ''
numberOfDocuments: 5
// The exact same thing goes for using the firedumCreateUser function
await firedumCreateUser({
amountOfUsers: 5,
fields: {
firstName: '',
lastName: ''
collectionReference: fs.collection('users')
}).then(async ({ ids, reference }) => {
await Promise.all( (id) => {
await firedumAdd({
collectionReference: reference.doc(id).collection('colors'),
fields: {
color: ''
numberOfDocuments: 5