Utilities for managing a Firebase encrypted with firecrypt
A command-line tool for rotating the encryption key of a Firebase database that has been encrypted with firecrypt
. It can also remove the encryption altogether, or add it to an unencrypted database.
You should ensure that nobody accesses the database while the keys are being rotated. Also be careful that any parts of your database not explicitly described in the firecrypt
rules files but situated under an encrypted key are small enough to be read and written in a single chunk.
-f, --firebase database The unique id of the target realtime database (required).
-a, --auth file A JSON file with credentials for the database (required).
-s, --spec file The firecrypt rules JSON file (required).
-o, --oldKey base64key The old encryption key to be replaced.
-n, --newKey base64key The new encryption key to use.
-c, --cpus number the number of CPUs to use (defaults to all available).
-h, --help Display these usage instructions.
-v, --verbose Turn on verbose logging messages for debugging