sortable base64 encoding of string, int32 and boolean
Combines two closure library functions with the d64 module to encode/decode (array of) boolean, 32 bit integer, string to/from a ascii embeddable, lexicographic sortable value that can be used as firebase key.
The generated encoded strings can be used to create a firebase:
- (multi-)field filter index
- (multi-)field sort values
The implementation uses the following character set: ,PYFGCRLAOEUIDHTNSQJKXBMWVZ_pyfgcrlaoeuidhtnsqjkxbmwvz1234567890
Array items are separated by the character: ~
const assert = require('assert');
const {encode, decode} = require('./index');
const sHello = encode('Hello');
assert.equal(sHello, 'sH5KgQ5w');
const sWorld = encode('World');
assert.equal(sWorld, 'sKqxmQ5F');
assert.deepEqual([sWorld, sHello].sort().map(decode), ['Hello', 'World']);
const nSmall = encode(100000);
assert.equal(nSmall, 'n,,55c,');
const nBig = encode(100016);
assert.equal(nBig, 'n,,55g,');
assert.deepEqual([nBig, nSmall].sort().map(decode), [100000, 100016]);
const bTrue = encode(true);
assert.equal(bTrue, 'b1');
assert.equal(decode(bTrue), true);
const bFalse = encode(false);
assert.equal(bFalse, 'b0');
assert.equal(decode(bFalse), false);
function multiFieldSort(low, high) {
const encoded = [encode(high), encode(low)];
assert.deepEqual(encoded.sort().map(decode), [low, high]);
multiFieldSort(['a', 0], ['a', 1]);
multiFieldSort(['a', 0], ['b', 0]);
multiFieldSort(['a', 1], ['aa', 0]);
multiFieldSort(['a', 'a'], ['a', 'b']);
multiFieldSort(['a', 'a'], ['b', 'a']);
multiFieldSort(['a', 'b'], ['aa', 'a']);
multiFieldSort(['a', false], ['a', true]);
multiFieldSort(['a', false], ['b', false]);
multiFieldSort(['a', true], ['aa', false]);
encode(value: boolean|number|string|[boolean|number|string]) : string
Convert (array of) boolean or 32 bit integer or utf8 string to base64 string
decode(value: string) : boolean|number|string|[boolean|number|string]
Convert encoded base64 string to (array of) boolean or 32 bit integer or utf8 string
stringToByteArray(str: string) : array
Convert string to byte array
byteArrayToString(arr: array): string
Convert array of bytes to string
int32ToByteArray(int32: number) : array
Convert 32 bit integer number to 4 character byte array
byteArrayToInt32(arr: array): number
Convert 4 character byte array to 32 bit integer
encodeString(str: string): string
Convert utf8 string to base64 string
decodeString(str64: string): string
Convert base64 string to utf8 string
encodeInt32(int32: number) : string
Convert 32 bit integer to base64 string
decodeInt32(str64: string): number
Convert base64 string to 32 bit integer
encodeScalar(value: boolean|number|string): string
Convert boolean or 32 bit integer or utf8 string to base64 string
decodeScalar(value: string): boolean|number|string
Convert base64 string to boolean or 32 bit integer or utf8 string