[email protected]
Functions to use firebase cloud firestore and realtime database like CRUD (Create Read Update Delete)
Functions (Now using firebase-admin)
Cloud Firestore
initialize(serviceAccount, databaseURL)
To initialize the database with service account json
- serviceAccount {object} service account json
- databaseURL {string} the url of the realtime database default value = ""
insert(table, value)
To insert new objects to the db
If the collection doesn't exist, it will be created, the Id is generated by firestore
- table {string} the collection path ex: "users"
- value {object} the object to save ex: { user: "sito"}
hardIsert(table, value)
To insert an object to the db with a specific id
If the collection doesn't exist, it will be created
- table {string} the collection path ex: "users"
- value {object} the object to save ex: { user: "sito", id:"myId"}
update(table, key, value)
To update an element Params:
- table {string} the collection path ex: "users"
- key {any} the query to find the element ex: ["id", "equal", "sito"]
- value {object} the object to save ex: { user: "sito"}
See firestore queries structure
getValue(table, rQuery)
To fetch a single value from db Params:
- table {string} the collection path ex: "users"
- rQuery {any} the query to find the element ex: ["id", "equal", "sito"] or [["id", "equal", "sito"],["has", "name"]]
getTable(table, rQuery, page, count)
To fetch a entire collection Params:
- table {string} the collection path ex: "users"
- rQuery {any} the query to find the element ex: ["id", "equal", "sito"] or [["id", "equal", "sito"],["has", "name"]]
- page {number} to begin at page position
- count {number} count of items to obtain (max: 10000)
deleteDocuments(table, documents)
To erase elements from a collection Params:
- table {string} the collection path ex: "users"
- documents {string[]} array with the list of ids
To clean a entire collection Params:
- table {string} the collection path ex: "users"
Realtime database
writeRealtime(path, data)
To set a value Params:
- path {string} the path to set or update
- data {object} the data to save
To read a value Params:
- path {string} the path to read
To remove a value Params:
- path {string} the path to remove