generator firebase functions httpsOnCall function types
About firebase-function-client-type-gen
Generator of client types of firebase functions derived from orginal firebase deploy definition object.
Get Started
npm i --save-dev firebase-function-client-type-gen proxyquire @types/proxyquire typescript
export const DUMMY_MOCKS = new Proxy<any>(
get(_, __): any {
export const MOCKS_BASE = {
'firebase-functions': {
region() {
config: () => {
return {
'@global': true,
'@noCallThru': true
'firebase-admin': {
initializeApp: () => { return DUMMY_MOCKS },
'@global': true,
'@noCallThru': true
export const MOCKS = new Proxy(MOCKS_BASE, {
get(target, name) {
const returnValue = target[name as keyof typeof MOCKS_BASE]
return returnValue ?? DUMMY_MOCKS
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions'
// You define two types in function definition file and they must be in a file include function declaration.
type RequestArgs = {
id: string
type ResponseResult = {
result: 'ok' | 'ng'
// You must export "only one const https onCall" in a file.
// If you export many httpsOnCall functions, it may happen unexpected result when mapping args and result types.'
export const includeTest = functions
memory: '1GB'
.https.onCall((data: RequestArgs,_): ResponseResult => {
return {
result: 'ok'
import proxyquire from 'proxyquire'
import { MOCKS } from './mock'
import { outDefinitions } from 'firebase-function-client-type-gen'
import path from 'path'
import glob from 'glob'
const firebaseFunctionEntrypoint = proxyquire('../functions/index', MOCKS)
// Get document, or throw exception on error
try {
const sources = glob.sync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../', 'functions/endpoints/**/*.ts'))
// The symbolConfig determine what type should be read from your https onCall definition file as its args or result.
// If you do not specify it, default is 'RequestArgs' and 'ResponseResult'
const result = outDefinitions(sources, firebaseFunctionEntrypoint, {
symbolConfig: {
args: 'RequestArgs',
result: 'ResponseResult'
} catch (e) {
Output like
export type FunctionDefinitions = {
"includeTest": {
args: { id: string; };
result: { result: "ok" | "ng"; };
"includeTestShallow": {
args: { id: number; };
result: { result: "success" | "failed"; };
"includeTestComposite": {
args: Record<any, any>;
result: { result: "success" | "failed"; };
export const functionsMap = {
includeTest: {
id: "nested-namespace-includeTest",
region: "asia-northeast1"
includeTestShallow: {
id: "nested-includeTestShallow",
region: "asia-northeast1"
includeTestComposite: {
id: "includeTestComposite",
region: "asia-northeast1"
See tests/index.ts code more detailed usage.
Then, you can get fully type safed functions client in frontend code, like this.
import { getFunctions, httpsCallable, HttpsCallable } from 'firebase/functions'
import { getApp } from 'firebase/app'
type IFunctionDefnitions = {
[key: string]: {
args: any,
result: any
type HttpsCallableFuntions<FunctionDefnitions extends IFunctionDefnitions> = {
[functionName in keyof FunctionDefnitions]: HttpsCallable<FunctionDefnitions[functionName]['args'], FunctionDefnitions[functionName]['result']>
type HttpsCallableFuntionIds<FunctionDefnitions> = {
[functionName in keyof FunctionDefnitions]: {
id: string
region?: string
export function initializeFunctions<FunctionDefnitions extends IFunctionDefnitions>(functionNameObject: HttpsCallableFuntionIds<FunctionDefnitions>, app = getApp(), region = 'asia-northeast1'): HttpsCallableFuntions<FunctionDefnitions> {
const functionDefinitions = Object.entries(functionNameObject)
return functionDefinitions.reduce((current, [functionName, functionObj]) => {
const functions = getFunctions(app, functionObj.region || region)
return {
[functionName]: httpsCallable(functions,,
}, {} as HttpsCallableFuntions<FunctionDefnitions>)
The template above can be generated by bin command,
npx gen-ffc ${outputpath:absolute or relative path}
and then, with your output type path, semi-automatically get type safe cliet.
// At your entrypoint file, import generated types from your generated types file.
import { FunctionDefinitions, functionsMap } from './functions-types'
import { initializeFunctions } from './outputpath'
const client = initializeFunctions<FunctionDefinitions>(functionsMap)
// Fully type-safed api call functions.
- This library for typescript firebase function users.
- You mustn't define more than two firebase https functions in a file, they may cause bug.
- Your args and result type must be included in the function definition file.
- If you need to change region as basis as function, manually call
const someCallable = httpsCallable(getFunction(getApp(), region), functionId)
instead of initializeFunctions above.