npm package discovery and stats viewer.

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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




``` bash $ yarn add find-live2d3 or $ npm install find-live2d3 ``` ## 初始化 ``` typescript import live2d from 'find-live2d3' /** 初始化live2d * @param renderConfig?: { efficient: boolean, // 是否使用全效能模式 * fps?: number // 不使用全效模式事, 手动设置帧率. 默认60 * } */ let li




基于live2d 3.3.1


$ yarn add find-live2d3
$ npm install find-live2d3


import live2d from 'find-live2d3'
/** 初始化live2d
 * @param renderConfig?: { efficient: boolean, // 是否使用全效能模式
 *  fps?: number // 不使用全效模式事, 手动设置帧率. 默认60
 * }
let live2dInstance = new live2D()
const live2dmanager = live2dInstance.initialize(renderConfig?: { efficient: boolean, fps?: number})
/** 添加模型
 * @param object: { path: string, // 模型资源路径, 
 *                  fileName: string    // 模型文件名称(.model3.json之前)
 *                  modelName: string,  // 模型名称,
 *                  modelSize: number, // 模型大小
 *                  textures?: string[] // 纹理名称数组(为空则加载全部纹理)
 *                }
 * @param batchLoad: boolean // 是否启用按需加载模型动画资源. (动画较多时建议启用. 初始化只加载前5个动画资源. 后续动画在使用时加载)
 * @return Promise<Model>
public Promise live2dmanager.addModel({path: '/resource/momo/', fileName:'momo', modelName: 'momo', modelSize?: 1000}, batchLoad)
/** 释放指定模型
 * @param modelName: string
 * @return Promise<string>
 public Promise live2dmanager.releaseModel(modelName: string)
/** 释放全部模型
 * @return Promise<void>
 public Promise live2dmanager.releaseAllModel()


 * 显示当前模型
 * @param object: {
 *                  pointX: 出现的x坐标. 默认0
 *                  pointY: 出现的Y坐标. 默认0
 *                  zIndex: canvas画布层级. 默认100
 *                }
public void appear(param: { pointX: number, pointY: number, zIndex: number})
 * 隐藏当前模型
public void disappear()
/** 执行一个指定的动画
 * @param object: { groupName: 动作组名称
 *                  no: 动作索引. 当前动作组内如果有多个动画, 执行索引指定的那个. 默认为0
 *                  priority: 动画权重(默认2).
 *                  autoIdle: 动作执行完成后是否自动执行idle. 默认true
 *                  autoAppear: 在模型隐藏的前提下执行动画, 是否将模型显示出来并执行动画. 默认true
 *                  fadeInTime: 淡入时间, 默认读model3.json配置表
 *                  fadeOutTime: 淡出时间, 默认读model3.json配置表
 *                  callback: 当前动作执行完毕后触发
 *                }
 * @return Promise<Model>
public Promise startMotion({groupName: string, no?: number, priority?: number, autoIdle?: boolean, autoAppear?: boolean, fadeInTime?: number, fadeOutTime?: number, callback?: () => void})
/** 在指定的动画组内随机选择一个动画执行
 * @param groupName: 动画组名称
 * @param priority: 动画权重(默认2)
 * @return Promise<Model>
public Promise startRandomMotion(groupName: string, priority?: number)
/** 执行一个动画队列
 * @param objectArray: 同startMotion()参数, 是一个数组
 * @param clear: 为true则清除当前已存在的队列. 否则进行队列追加.  默认false. 
 * @return Promise<Model>
public Promise startMotionQueue([{groupName: string, no?: number, priority?: number, autoIdle?: boolean, callback?: () => void}], clear?: boolean)
/** 停止全部动作
 * @param object {
 *   clear: 停止动作后是否清除画板. (默认false)
 *   autoIdle: 停止动作后是否执行idle动画 不执行会停留在当前动画最后一帧. 默认true
 * }
 * @return Promise<void>
public Promise stopAllMotions({clear?: boolean, autoIdle?: boolean})
/** 用指定的动画组替换默认发呆的动画组. 该动画自动循环
 * @param groupName: 动画组名称
 * @param execImmediately: 是否立即执行该动画 default: true
public void replaceIdleMotion(groupName: string, execImmediately: boolean)
/** 设置表情
 * @param expressionId: 表情id(model3.json Expressions字段配置 例: f01)
public void setExpression(expressionId: string)
 * 随机使用一个表情
public void setRandomExpression()
 *  清除画布 并终止默认的绘画动作
public void clear()
/** 张嘴
 * @param speed: 嘴巴动态速度. 1为最快. 默认为3
public void mouthOpen(speed: number)
 *  闭嘴
public void mouthClose()
/** 使模型的眼睛注视某个坐标点
 *  @param pointX x坐标
 *  @param pointY y坐标
 *  注: 坐标是以模型原点为(0,0)点, 进行象限分布
 *  取值范围±1 例: lootAt(-0.02, 0.1)
public void lookAt(pointX: number, pointY: number)
 *  获取模型可见状态
 *  @return true / false
public boolean getVisible()
 *  获取模型当前状态
 *  @return {visible: boolean, autoIdle: boolean, mouthOpen: boolean, idleMotion: string}
public object getProperty()

Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn dev

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build

Lints and fixes files

yarn lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.