## Overview
Hiver React app boilerplate
This repository contains a React based boilerplate that can be used to quickly bootstrap new applications.
Technical stack
TypeScript, React, Redux Toolkit, Styled Components, Vitest (uses chai, jsdom and jest compatible API) for tests and Vite (uses esbuild, rollup) for building.
Code structure
- src
- assets - images and other static files.
- components - reusable blocks of code, that can be used on several pages. Components can be located in sub-directories if needed.
- hooks - reusable hooks
- pages - pages, associates with routes. Pages consist of components.
- service - low-level network functionality. One should rarely need to change anything there.
- store - redux-toolkit slices/api.
- types - TypeScript types for e.g. libraries w/o typings or assets.
IDE integration
VS Code
Install eslint and prettier plugins from the marketplace to enable code formatting on-the-fly.
Available commands
- serve - launch dev server
- build - build the project in production mode
- test - run unit tests
- lint - run linter & prettier
- lint:fix - fix linter & prettier issues in the code-base
How to use it
Clone the boilerplate, e.g. by using degit:
npx degit --mode=git [email protected]:GrexIt/react-frontend-boilerplate your-project-name
Init git repository
cd your-project-name && git init && git add . && git commit -m 'Init repo'
Edit the package.json, index.html and src/App.tsx as you see fit. Provide your project's sentry dsn to Sentry.init method (You may have to create a Sentry project first link). You can freely remove the testing store from the src/store directory. Also you can remove the store completely if you're writing e.g. a library of components, for that remove the whole store directory and remove all mentions of it from main.tsx