Basic array structure that can conditionally validate objects
Simple util to provide the ability to evaluate targets based on simple evaluation conditions expressed as arrays. Primarily created so that external JSON files can express conditional expressions.
The below example shows the simple filter expressions on a collection.
// Import evaluate from the library
import { evaluate } from 'filter-expressions';
// JSON definition of filter
const json = {
"filter": [
["==", "type", "document"],
["in", "tags", "example", "other"]
// Example objects
const objects = [
{ type: 'document', tags: ['example'], src: 'https://alpacamaps/document1.json' },
{ type: 'document', tags: ['something'], src: 'https://alpacamaps/document2.json' },
{ type: 'document', tags: ['other'], src: 'https://alpacamaps/document3.json' },
{ type: 'image', tags: ['example'], src: 'https://alpacamaps/image.png' }
// Match the objects
const matched = objects.filter(obj => evaluate(json.filter, obj));
// Returns [
// { type: "document", src: "https://alpacamaps/document1.json", tags: ["example"] },
// { type: "document", src: "https://alpacamaps/document3.json", tags: ["other"] }
// ]
You can add this using NPM
$ npm install filter-expressions
Supported Comparison Operators
- Existence: exists / exist / !exists / !exist / empty / !empty
- Comparison: == / != / > / >= / < / <=
- Membership: in / !in
- String Comparision: match
- Combining: all / any / none
- Geospatial comparisons: geo-within / geo-contains / geo-disjoint / geo-crosses / geo-overlap
Custom Comparison Operators
You can provide your own comparison operator implementations.
import { evaluate } from 'filter-expressions';
const options = {
comparisons: {
custom: (a, b) => a === b,
// evaluate(expression, object, [options])
const result = evaluate(['custom', 'foo', 'bar'], { 'foo': 'bar' }, options);
console.log(result); // Prints true
Custom Value Modifiers
You can implement your own value modifiers.
import { evaluate } from 'filter-expressions';
const options = {
modifiers: {
not: (val) => !val,
// evaluate(expression, object, [options])
const result = evaluate(['==', 'not(a)', false], { a: true }, options);
console.log(result); // Prints true
Custom Operators
You can implement custom operators to perform transformations
import { evaluate } from 'filter-expressions';
const options = {
operators: {
at: (target, index, array) => array && array[index],
'to-number': (target, val) => Number(val),
console.log(evaluate(['at', 1, [2, 4, 6]])); // Prints 4
console.log(evaluate(['to-number', '4'])); // Prints 4
Conversion of query
// Import asMongoDbQueryDocument from the library
import { asMongoDbQueryDocument } from 'filter-expressions';
// JSON definition of an expression that can run both on a local collection
const json = [
["==", "type", "document"],
["in", "tags", "example", "other"]
// Convert the evaluation into a mongodb query document that can run on
// a mongo db collection
const query = asMongoDbQueryDocument(json);
- Comparisons are done as using lodash "isEqual".
- Run npm t to run tests
- Inspired based on Mapbox style filters