This is npm package which exports the functions to upload file in GCP, AWS S3 and AZURE
This package exports the methods to upload file in GCP, AWS S3 and AZURE
You must have all type of required credentials of AWS/GCP/AZURE cloud storage while calling upload methods
npm i files-cloud-storage
Usage Google Cloud Storage
To upload file
const { GcpFileHelper } = require('files-cloud-storage');
const path = require('path');
// assuming logo.png is present in your root directory
const filePath = path.join(__dirname, 'logo.png'); // Stored file path - pass absolute path.
const destFileName = 'logo.png'; // fileName to be saved in google cloud
const bucketName = '<bucket-name>'; // google cloud storage bucket in which file gets saved
const gcpProjectId = '<gcp-project-id>'; // google cloud storage project id - Get from gcp console
// assuming gcp.json is present in your root directory
// google cloud storage json configuration file - pass absolute path
// download file from manage storage api key section in gcp console
const gcpJsonFilePath = path.join(__dirname, 'gcp.json');
GcpFileHelper.uploadFile({filePath, destFileName, bucketName, gcpProjectId, gcpJsonFilePath}).then(response => {
}).catch(err => {
To generate signed url
const options = {
destFilePath: 'users/abc.png', // Stored file path - location from bucket - example - users/abc.png
bucketName: '<Bucket-Name>', // google cloud storage bucket in which action is peformed over file
actionType: 'write', // signed url usage type - example ('read' | 'write' | 'delete' | 'resumable')
expiry: + 1000 * 60 * 30, // signed url expiration time - In ms from current time - type number | string | Date
gcpProjectId: '<Gcp-Project-Id>', // google cloud storage project id
gcpJsonFilePath: '<Gcp-Json-File-Path>', // google cloud storage json configuration file absolute path for connectivity
contentType: 'multipart/form-data', // content type of file, example multipart/form-data, image/png, csv/text etc
GcpFileHelper.getSignedUrl(options).then(response => {
}).catch(error => {
To get downloadable url
const options = {
destFilePath: 'users/abc.png', // Stored file path - location from bucket - example - users/abc.png
bucketName: '<Bucket-Name>', // google cloud storage bucket in which action is peformed over file
gcpProjectId: '<Gcp-Project-Id>', // google cloud storage project id
gcpJsonFilePath: '<Gcp-Json-File-Path>', // google cloud storage json configuration file absolute path for connectivity
GcpFileHelper.getDownloadableUrl(options).then(response => {
}).catch(error => {
Usage Amazon Web Service S3 storage
To upload file
const { AwsFileHelper } = require('files-cloud-storage');
// assuming logo.png is present in your root directory
const filePath = path.join(__dirname, 'logo.png'); // Stored file path - pass absolute path.
const destFileName = 'logo.png'; // fileName to be saved in aws s3 bucket
const bucketName = '<bucket-name>'; // aws s3 bucket in which file gets saved
const accessKeyId = '<access-key-id>'; // aws s3 access key id - Get from aws console
const secretAccessKey = '<secret-access-key>' // aws s3 secret access key - Get from aws console
// aws region where bucket will be located for fastest delivery of resources - Get bucket-region from aws s3 console
const bucketRegion = '<bucket-region>'
AwsFileHelper.uploadFile({filePath, destFileName, bucketName, accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, bucketRegion}).then(response => {
}).catch(error => {
To generate signed url
const options = {
destFilePath: 'users/abc.png', // Stored file path - i.e location from bucket - ex - users/abc.png
bucketName: '<Bucket-Name>', // aws s3 storage bucket in which action is peformed over file
actionType: 'putObject', // signed url usage type - example ('putObject' | 'getObject')
expiry: 30 * 60, // signed url expiration time - In sec - type number
accessKeyId: '<Access-Key-Id>', // aws s3 access key id
secretAccessKey: '<Secret-Access-Key>', // aws s3 secret access key
bucketRegion: '<Bucket-Region>' // aws region where bucket will be located, example - 'ap-south-1'
AwsFileHelper.getSignedUrl(options).then(res => {
}).catch(err => {
To get downloadable url
const options = {
destFilePath: 'users/abc.png', // Stored file path - i.e location from bucket - ex - users/abc.png
bucketName: '<Bucket-Name>', // aws s3 storage bucket in which action is peformed over file
bucketRegion: '<Bucket-Region>' // aws region where bucket will be located, example - 'ap-south-1'
AwsFileHelper.getDownloadableUrl(options).then(response => {
}).catch(err => {
Usage Azure Storage
To upload file
const { AzureFileHelper } = require('files-cloud-storage');
// assuming logo.png is present in your root directory
const filePath = path.join(__dirname, 'logo.png'); // Stored file path - pass absolute path.
const destFileName = 'logo.png'; // fileName to be saved in azure container
const containerName = '<container-name>'; // container in which file gets saved
const accountKey = '<account-key>' // account name of azure storage - get from storage console
const accountName = '<account-name>' // account key of azure storage - get from storage console
AzureFileHelper.uploadFile({filePath, destFileName, containerName, accountName, accountKey}).then(response => {
}).catch(error => {
To generate signed url
const options = {
destFilePath: 'users/abc.png', // Stored file path - i.e location from container - ex - users/abc.png
containerName: '<Container-Name>', // container in which file gets saved
expiry: 30, // signed url expiration time - In minute - type number
actionType: "w", // signed url usage type - example ('w' | 'r' | 'wr' | 'racwdl') - pair of any alphabets among racwdl
accountName: '<Account-Name>', // account name of azure storage
accountKey: '<Account-Key>', // account key of azure storage
contentType: 'multipart/form-data' // content type of file, example multipart/form-data, image/png, csv/text etc
AzureFileHelper.getSignedUrl(options).then(response => {
}).catch(err => {
To get downloadable url
const options = {
destFilePath: 'users/abc.png', // Stored file path - i.e location from container - ex - users/abc.png
containerName: '<Container-Name>', // container in which file gets saved
expiry: 30, // signed url expiration time - In minute - type number
actionType: "rw", // signed url usage type - example ('w' | 'r' | 'wr' | 'racwdl') - pair of any alphabets among racwdl
accountName: '<Account-Name>', // account name of azure storage
accountKey: '<Account-Key>', // account key of azure storage
AzureFileHelper.getDownloadableUrl(options).then(response => {
}).catch(err => {
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