Server side client for uploading files to filecloud and interacting with the filecloud service
Filecloud Client
This package provides a client for interacting with the filecloud user api. It provides a simple implentation for node.js scripts to upload files, create folders and copy folders. The goal is to support all user api's provided by file cloud.
import FileCloud from 'filecloud-client'
import fs from 'node:fs';
let FCClient = new FileCloud('','username','password');
await FCClient.login();
Create a Folder
FCClient.createFolder('firstfolder', '/myfiles');
returns a javascript object on success
type: 'createfolder',
result: '1',
message: 'Folder Created Successfully'
Upload a file from disk
fs.readFile('C:/test.txt', 'utf8', (err, data) => {
FCClient.uploadFile('test.txt', '/myfiles/firstfolder', data);
Generate a quickshare link
fs.quickShare('firstfolder', '/myfiles');
returns a javascript object
Get list of files and folders in a directory
FCClient.getfilelist('/scott', {});
returns a javascript object
meta: {
parentpath: '/',
total: '11',
realpath: '/scott',
canupload: '1',
isshareable: '1',
candownload: '1',
cansetacls: '0',
showshareoption: '0',
teamfolder: '0',
result: '1',
message: '',
defaultfile: '',
showzipfolders: '0',
aboutfile: ''
entries: [
path: '/scott/firstfolder',
dirpath: '/scott/',
name: 'firstfolder',
ext: '',
fullsize: '0',
modified: 'Jul 19, 2024 2:32 PM',
type: 'dir',
fullfilename: '/scott/firstfolder',
size: '',
modifiedepoch: '1721399577',
modifiedepochutc: '1721417577',
modifiediso: '2024-07-19T14:32:57+0000',
isroot: '0',
isshareable: '1',
issyncable: '0',
isshared: 'private',
canrename: '1',
showprev: '0',
canfavorite: '1',
canupload: '1',
candownload: '1',
favoritelistid: '',
favoriteid: '',
order: '0',
showquickedit: '1',
showlockunlock: '1',
showshareoption: '0',
cansetacls: '0',
tagged: '0',
commented: '0',
isreshared: '0',
canmanageshare: '0',
lastmodifiedby: 'scott',
locked: '0',
hasnotificationsrule: '0'
Deep copy a folder from one location to another
await FCClient.copyFilesAndFolders('/myfiels/firstfolder', '/myfiles', 'copiedfolder');
General calls
For any calls that haven't been implemented by the library base calls can be used
url is the endpoint params are the paramter string body is a json object
FCClient.sendPostRequest(endpoint, params, body);
for example, body can be ommited, params are in url paramters string fromat
FCClient.sendPostRequest('/core/createfolder', 'name='+folderName+'&path='+path)
If you don't have any url parameters but have a body pass undefined or null for parameters and include the body
FCClient.sendPostRequest('/core/getfilelist', undefined, body)
install form-data package to generate a from to send to a post request
FCClient.sendFormPostRequest(url, form)
const form = new FormData();
form.append('path', '/myfiles');
form.append('name', 'test.txt');
form.append('copyto', '/myfiles/newfolder');
FCClient.sendFormPostRequest('/core/copyfile', form).then(response => {
}).catch(error => {