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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

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This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




File format parser which makes it easy to parse binary file formats through data schemas.




file-format-parser codecov

File format parser which makes it easy to parse binary file formats through data schemas.

The primary goal of ffp is to make it easy to make file format parsers and writers. This is done through defining sequences of entities (data formats) and types (data readers/writers).

ffp comes with built-in support for several basic data types, and allows you to define other data types as needed.


npm i file-format-parser --save


let ffp = require('file-format-parser');

// ffp.addDataType - adds a data type to ffp
ffp.addDataType('string', {
    read: (stream, entity, store) => {
        let uint8 = ffp.getDataType('uint8'),
            length =, entity, store),
            buf =;
        return buf.toString('ascii');
    write: (stream, entity, data, context) => {
        let uint8 = ffp.getDataType('uint8');
        uint8.write(stream, entity, data.length, context);
        stream.write(Buffer.alloc(data.length, data, 'ascii'));

// ffp.addDataFormat - adds a data format to ffp
ffp.addDataFormat('MyFileType', [{
    type: 'array', 
    count: {type: 'uint8'}, 
    entry: {type: 'uint8'},
    storageKey: 'someBytes'
}, {
    type: 'string',
    storageKey: 'aString'

let data = ffp.parseFile('path/to/file', 'MyFileType');
console.log(data.someBytes); // array of uint8 numbers
console.log(data.aString);   // a string parsed after the array

See the tests for more thorough code examples. E.g. writeFile.test.js shows how to read and write ico files.



At a fundamental level, ffp functions by parsing entity definitions. Entity definitions are JavaScript objects with properties which instruct ffp and data readers on how to read, write, and store data.

The following base properties are part of how ffp works with entities. Additional properties may be expected by data type readers/writers.

  • type - Required. The data type to use to read/write the entity.
  • storageKey - Recommended. The key where the data will be stored when reading, and is expected to exist when writing. You should only omit the storageKey for entities that use types which data storage included in their readers and writers.


In ffp, a schema is just a sequence of entities. Schemas can be nested inside of each other using the array, record, and union data types. Schemas are also referred to as "data formats" internally.

provided data types

ffp provides several data types out of the box to help you get started parsing files. The data types provided are for standard use cases and aren't intended to be complete.

  • uint8 - 1 byte unsigned integer.
  • uint16 - 2 byte unsigned integer. (endian type)
  • uint32 - 4 byte unsigned integer. (endian type)
  • int16- 2 byte signed integer. (endian type)
  • int32 - 4 byte signed integer. (endian type)
  • float - 4 byte floating point number. (endian type)
  • array - Array of any other type. The size of the array is expected before the contents of the array. The type used for the size can any integer type. Entity properties:
    • count - entity for the count.
    • countKey - key where the count can be found, if it was parsed as a separate entity. Takes precedence over count (provide one or the other).
    • entry - entity for array entries. Required.
  • record - A reference to a data format registered with ffp.addDataFormat. Entity properties:
    • format - The name of the data format to use when reading/writing the record.
  • union - Switches between parsing different data types based on a previously parsed value. Entity properties:
    • switchKey - The key to the data to "switch" on. Resolved relative to the entities data storage context.
    • cases - Object which is used to determine the entity to parse. Keys should correspond to possible data switch values. Values should be entity objects.

data reader functions

Data reader functions are passed to ffp.addDataType and ffp.addEndianType and are used to read a data type from a stream. They use the following arguments:

  • stream - The SyncReadableStream to read the data from. Use to read n bytes from the stream (returns a Buffer).
  • entity - The current entity you're reading data for.
  • context - The current data storage context of the reader.

data writer functions

Data writer functions are passed to ffp.addDataType and ffp.addEndianType and are used to write a data type to a stream. They use the following arguments:

  • stream - The SyncWriteableStream to write the data to. Use stream.write(buf) to write the Buffer buf to the stream.
  • entity - The current entity you're writing data for.
  • data - The data you are writing to the stream.
  • context - The current data storage context of the writer.


Sets the endianness to be used by endian types.


  • endianness - 'LE' for Little Endian or 'BE' for Big Endian.

ffp.parseFile(filePath, schema)

Loads and parses the file at filePath according to schema. Returns the parsed data once parsing is completed.


  • filePath - Path to the file to load and parse.
  • schema - Name of the schema to use when parsing the file or the schema itself.

ffp.writeFile(filePath, schema, data)

Writes a file to filePath according to schema and data.


  • filePath - Path to the file to write to disk.
  • schema - Name of the schema to use when parsing the file or the schema itself.
  • data - Data structure to write to disk. Should have every property expected by the schema.

ffp.addDataType(name, type)

Adds a data type to ffp.


  • name - Unique string identifier for the data type.
  • type - Object which contains a data reader and a data writer for the type. Properties:

ffp.addEndianType(name, endianType)

Adds an endian data type to ffp.


  • name - Unique string identifier for the data type.
  • endianType - Object which contains little endian and big endian data readers and a data writers for the type. Properties:
    • read - Object containing data readers for the type. Properties:
    • write - Object containing data writers for the type. Properties:


Gets a data type from ffp matching name. Returns the data type if found.


  • name - Unique string identifier of the data type to get.

ffp.addDataFormat(name, format)

Adds a data format to ffp.


  • name - Unique string identifier for the data format.
  • format - Schema array, as described in the schemas section.


Gets a data format from ffp matching name. Returns the data format if found.


  • name - Unique string identifier of the data format to get.