FeedHenry App sdk & versions checker
FeedHenry App checker
FeedHenry App sdk & versions checker, with some sanity checking on API usage
fhlint .
If no issues are detected, the output will be:
No issues detected
Otherwise, it exits with a non-zero code. Sample output with error:
WARNING: Could not find static index file at public/index.html
WARNING: /Users/dmartin/templates/fh-connector-ibeacon-manager/application.js is diverged from latest application.js template :
Index: /Users/dmartin/templates/fh-connector-ibeacon-manager/application.js
--- /Users/dmartin/templates/fh-connector-ibeacon-manager/application.js
+++ /Users/dmartin/templates/fh-connector-ibeacon-manager/application.js
@@ -1,37 +1,35 @@
var mbaasApi = require('fh-mbaas-api');
var express = require('express');
var mbaasExpress = mbaasApi.mbaasExpress();
+var cors = require('cors');
-var express = require('express');
-var beacons = require('./lib/beacons.js');
+// list the endpoints which you want to make securable here
+var securableEndpoints;
+// fhlint-begin: securable-endpoints
+// fhlint-end
-// Securable endpoints: list the endpoints which you want to make securable here
-var securableEndpoints = ['beacons'];
var app = express();
+// Enable CORS for all requests
// Note: the order which we add middleware to Express here is important!
app.use('/sys', mbaasExpress.sys(securableEndpoints));
app.use('/mbaas', mbaasExpress.mbaas);
// Note: important that this is added just before your own Routes
+// allow serving of static files from the public directory
+app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
-app.use('/beacons', require('./lib/beaconRoutes.js')());
-app.use('/cloud/beacons', require('./lib/beaconRoutes.js')());
+// fhlint-begin: custom-routes
+// fhlint-end
-// You can define custom URL handlers here, like this one:
-app.use('/', function(req, res){
- res.end('Your Cloud App is Running');
// Important that this is last!
var port = process.env.FH_PORT || process.env.VCAP_APP_PORT || 8001;
+var server = app.listen(port, function() {
-var server = app.listen(port, function(){
console.log("App started at: " + new Date() + " on port: " + port);
\ No newline at end of file
-beacons.prime(function(err, res){
- console.log(arguments);
Sample output with --json flag
"versions": {},
"warnings": [
"fh-mbaas-api not found in package.json dependencies",
"Detected deprecated dependency fh-webapp",
"Detected deprecated dependency fh-api",
"fh-mbaas-api version (~4.3.0) does not satisfy the latest version 4.5.0"
"type": {
"flags": {
"hasApplicationJS": true,
"hasPackageJson": true,
"hasPublicIndex": false,
"hasWWWIndex": false,
"hasCordovaConfigJson": false,
"hasCordovaConfigXml": false,
"hasJSSDK": false,
"hasAndroidManifest": false,
"hasTiAppXml": false,
"hasPlist": false,
"hasSLN": false,
"hasCSProj": false,
"hasXamarinAndroidSDK": false,
"hasMainPage": false
"weights": {
"cloud_nodejs": 6,
"webapp_advanced": 6,
"client_hybrid": -4,
"webapp_basic": -4,
"client_native_android": -10,
"client_appcelerator": -10,
"client_native_windowsphone8": -12,
"client_xamarin": -12
"detected": [
"versions": {
"jSSDKVersion": "2.0.2"
"warnings": [
"Found usage of deprecated api(s) ./www/hello.js:3:$fh.act({\n./www/hello.js:5:$fh.push({\n",
"fh js-sdk version (2.0.2) does not satisfy the latest version 2.4.3"
"type": {
"flags": {
"hasApplicationJS": false,
"hasPackageJson": true,
"hasPublicIndex": false,
"hasWWWIndex": true,
"hasCordovaConfigJson": false,
"hasCordovaConfigXml": false,
"hasJSSDK": true,
"hasAndroidManifest": false,
"hasTiAppXml": false,
"hasPlist": false,
"hasSLN": false,
"hasCSProj": false,
"hasXamarinAndroidSDK": false,
"hasMainPage": false
"weights": {
"cloud_nodejs": -4,
"webapp_advanced": -4,
"client_hybrid": 7,
"webapp_basic": 7,
"client_native_android": -10,
"client_appcelerator": -10,
"client_native_windowsphone8": -12,
"client_xamarin": -12
"detected": [