FeedHenry Development Tools
FeedHenry Development Tools
npm install fh-dev-tools -g
Some commands require the fhcap-cli dev tool to be installed. A version of the fhcap-cli gem is bundled inside of the node module, you should see output similar to the following during the npm install:
################### Install fhcap-cli ###################
gem install /usr/local/lib/node_modules/fh-dev-tools/fhcap/pkg/*.gem --local
Run the outputed command to install a compatible version of the fhcap-cli gem:
gem install /usr/local/lib/node_modules/fh-dev-tools/fhcap/pkg/*.gem --local
More info on fhcap-cli usage and requirements can be found here
See Available Commands
Usage: fh <command> [options] [--debug] [--noprompt]
setup Setup this tool
start [Dev] Start the development work of an issue
review [Dev] Create/update pull requests to review the development
builds [Dev] Show latest successful builds associated with a ticket
deploy [Dev] (Depreciated) Deploy builds associated with a ticket via
merge [Dev] Merge all the pull requests associated with the ticket
finish [Dev] Merge all the pull requests associated with the ticket
and resolve the ticket
contrib [Dev] List contributors of a component
templates [Dev] Templates operations
sdks [Dev] SDKs operations
start-release [Release] Start the release - create the release branches
release [Release] Perform the steps required for a release
finish-release [Release] Finish the release
tag-release [Release] Tags components for a release. Done as part of
finish-release, but can be run separately
tag-repository [Util] Used to tag single repository on github. Usefull for
bash scripts.
changelog [Release] Generate release changelog
components [Release] Generate release components versions
release-notes [Release] Generate release notes for a version
deploy-notes [Release] Generate deploy notes for a version
versions [Release] Show all release versions
release-email [Release] Send the release email
report [Util] Generate weekly JIRA report
artifact-check [Util] Generate nsp report for components
pw [Util] Lookup a component password e.g. mysql, mongo
qe-status [QE] Generate weekly QE status from status emails and JIRA
test-release [QE] Assign testers to a release and kick-off testing process
clone [Util] Clone all RHMAP components into user working directory.
fork [Util] Fork all platform components on github
list-changes [Util] Lists changed components for version
tag-diff [Util] Lists changed components for 2 different branches/tags
outdated [Util] List latest builds for a base branch (e.g. master or
FH-v3.x.x) and compares these against fhcap, so you can find
"latest" builds which are missing from fhcap
nagios-check [Util] Query nagios server for state of services
--debug Show debug level logging
--noprompt Skip all the prompts
--version Show version number [boolean]
fh setup
Then answer the questions.
About Github token
During setup, this tool will ask for your Github access token for sending pull requests. This will ensure things work even if you are using two factor authentication.
About Email Setup
During setup, this tool will ask for your Gmail user name and App Password for sending out emails. You should not use your Gmail account's user password here.
If you choose not to set the password, the tool will print out the email content to the console so you can compose the email using other tools. However, the email content will be in Markdown and you may need other tools to support editing emails in Markdown (e.g. You can try Markdown Here). But there is no way to support Mail.app at the moment.
A note about repo setup
By default, this tool will assume there are 2 remotes setup for each component repo:
- origin - the forked component repo in your own GH account
- upstream - the original component repo in then fheng organisation account
Many of the commands allows you to override the base branch. See each command's help information for more details.
Commands for dev flow
Start working on a JIRA ticket
fh start -t [JIRA Ticket]
This command will:
- Get the JIRA ticket details, figure out what components will be changed
- Creating the new branch in each of the affected component
- Update the ticket status to 'coding in progress'
Creating PRs for buils and code reviews
fh review -t [JIRA Ticket]
This command will:
- Get the JIRA ticket details, figure out what components are changed
- Check if a rebase is required before creating the PR
- Check if the same PR is already created for those components
- Create the PR for each component
- Update the ticket status to 'pull request sent' and add the links of the pull requests
Deploy to PPA
fh deploy -t [JIRA Ticket] -c [Staging Cluster e.g. ppa3 or ppa4]
This command will:
- Get all the component builds associated with the JIRA ticket
- Update the component cookbooks in FHCAP
- Start the deployment to the specified PPA cluster if user agrees
Finish with the JIRA ticket
fh finish -t [JIRA Ticket]
This command will:
- Get all the PRs associated with the JIRA ticket
- Try to merge each PR
- Will check if rebasing is required
- Prompt user for squashing commits
- Push to both origin and upstream
- Delete the merged branches automatically
- Resolve the JIRA ticket
Assign testers to the release
fh test-release -r <release-version1> [-r <release-version2>] [-b <build1> -b <build2> ...] [-t <tester-id1:tester-assignment1> ...]
This command will:
- Get all issues marked as Resolved, Ready For QA or Verified for given release(s) and given build(s)
- Will check all issues that are Ready For QA and do not have a Tester assigned or their tester was not enumerated on command line and randomly assign tester
- Provides an email to be sent to [email protected]
How testers are identified?
- If no tester(s) are provided, all QE team is evenly split for issues to be verified
- If you provide a tester, you must specify his/her assignment after colon. It can be any number and it will represent relative part to total sum of assignments provided on command line
Working with templates & sdks
There are 2 commands for working with templates and sdks, fh templates
& fh sdks
Each templates
sub-command supports filtering the affected templates by:
- template id (-i) e.g. hello_world_mbaas_instance
- repo name (-r) e.g. helloworld-cloud
- template type (-t) e.g. cloud_nodejs
Each sdks
sub-command supports filtering the affected sdk by:
- sdk id (-i) e.g. android
- repo name (-r) e.g. fh-js-sdk
Multiple filters are supported in a single command.
Multiple filter values are supported too via a comma separated list e.g. -i android,ios
Show template info for the native Android client template
fh templates show -i client_native_android
Clone all templates locally
fh templates clone
Clone the Aerogear Push Service & Hello World hybrid App
fh templates clone -r aerogear-service,helloworld-app
Check the git status of all cloud_nodejs templates
fh templates run -t cloud_nodejs -- git status
Update the fh-mbaas-api version of all cloud_nodejs templates
fh templates run -t cloud_nodejs -- json -I -f package.json \
-c 'this.dependencies["fh-mbaas-api"]="^5.0.0"'
Update template-config/global.json so all cloud_nodejs app templates use their v4.0 branch
fh templates -t cloud_nodejs update -- repoBranch=refs/head/v4.0
Update template-config/global.json so the Push Notifications Mobile Client app is in the 'Push' category and using the 'push' icon
fh templates -i push_app update -- category=Push icon=icon-push
Clone all sdks locally
fh sdks clone
Pull down the latest changes for all sdks
fh sdks run -- git checkout master
fh sdks run -- git fetch origin
fh sdks run -- git pull origin master
Check the current version of the js sdk
# using the repo name
fh sdks run -r fh-js-sdk -- json -f package.json version
# using the sdk id
fh sdks run -i js -- json -f package.json version
Check the current version of the mbaas sdk
# using the repo name
fh sdks run -r fh-mbaas-api -- json -f package.json version
# using the sdk id
fh sdks run -i mbaas -- json -f package.json version
Check the current version of the ios sdk
# using the repo name
fh sdks run -i fh-ios-sdk -- cat VERSION.txt
# using the sdk id
fh sdks run -i ios -- cat VERSION.txt
Check the current version of the dotnet sdk
# using the repo name
fh sdks run -i fh-dotnet-sdk -- cat VERSION.txt
# using the sdk id
fh sdks run -i dotnet -- cat VERSION.txt
Tag templates
fh templates run -- git tag release-3.6.0-rc2
fh templates run -- git push --tags
Create a Pull Request for all node.js templates
(Use of the -s
sleep option is important to avoid getting throttled by github)
fh templates -t cloud_nodejs -s 5000 run -- hub pull-request -b master -m "Doing some updates"
Checking tools
Checking artifacts with NSP tooling
fh artifact-check -l COMPONENT_VERSIONS.json
Will check all the components for libraries with known security problems
- crawls through all of the tar.gz files
- collects all of the npm-shrinkwrap.json files
- sends each of the shrinkwrap to https://nodesecurity.io/
- writes report as a xunit.xml
You can add a
flag to this command to generate Jira Tickets for found NSP's (mbaas components only, so must use--mbaas
also).Specify the jira project name using
.Specify the jira id name using
.Specify the vulnerability level to create issues for using
Options[minor, major, critical].