Build a Typescript app without pain
FFBT: Fluix Frontend Build Tool 🛠
A tool to build a Typescript based web app without pain.
You don't need to install and configure Webpack with a lot of plugins for Typescript, SASS, etc. Everything is already preconfigured for you
Quick start
npx ffbt-init [PATH_TO_NEW_PROJECT]
What's inside?
- Webpack with configurations for development and production environments
- Dev server with live reload
- Typescript
- CSS and SASS with Autoprefixer
- import-once plugin for SASS (removes duplicated imports across the project during compilation)
- TSlint
- Stylelint
- Tools for analyzing bundle structure
Usually you don't need config. If you need to change default behaviour - see the config structure below
Create a file with name ffbt-config.js
in the root of your project (near the package.json file)
Config structure:
module.exports = {
// FFBT is the environment-centric tool, almost all configuration is described in environments
// You can extend environments from each other
// All environments extend "default" automatically unless you specify "_extends" property.
// See the example below
environments: {
default: {
// It contains default values for all flags in the environment.
// See a list of all flags in the table below.
// Use it if you want to propagate values to all environments
development: {
// Used by default in `ffbt dev` command
production: {
// Used by default in `ffbt build` command
customProduction: {
// Custom env extended from the production. You can have as many custom envs as you need
// Usage example: ffbt build --env=customProduction
// Environment extension is a shallow merge
// For example, you want to make a bundle for production but without source maps
_extends: "production",
sourceMapType: "(none)",
aliases: {
// Aliases for the modules
// See resolve.alias in Webpack docs
noParse: [
// Restrict parsing of the specific modules
// Can help if you want to tune build performance
// See module.noParse in Webpack docs
configureWebpack: (projectConfig) => {
// Hook for customizing Webpack config
// You have access to the selected environment and helper for path calculation
// Just return the part of Webpack config and it will be merged with the main config automatically
Environment config flags
Name | Description | Type
--- | --- | ---
browserlist | Currently used only in CSS Aftoprefixer. | string Syntax Docs
outputPath | Destination path, your bundle will be created here | string
sourceMapType | Source map type. | string Docs
staticFilesSizeThresholdKb | All assets with a size lower than the limit will be inlined, otherwise, they will be copied to the destination folder as is | number (Kilobytes)
entrypointName | An entrypoint file name without ts/tsx extension | string
tsconfigPath | Path to tsconfig file | string
devServerConfig | Settings for the WebpackDevServer. | object Docs
buildVersion | A string represents the version of the bundle. Accessible in your code via FFBT_BUILD_VERSION
constant | string
showBuildNotifications | Enable/Disable build and type checker system notifications | boolean
enableTypeChecking | Enable/Disable typechecking for Typescript | boolean
cleanDistFolderBeforeBuild | The name speaks for itself | boolean
optimizeBundle | Minify and three-shake the output | boolean
enableCacheBusting | Add hashes to the output file names | boolean
buildStatsStyle | Control what bundle information gets displayed | minimal
, normal
, verbose
noParse | Webpack's module.noParse (Docs)| []
aliases | Webpack's resolve.alias (Docs) | {}
Config example
module.exports = {
environments: {
default: {
browserlist: "last 2 versions",
outputPath: "dist",
staticFilesSizeThresholdKb: 10,
showBuildNotifications: true,
enableTypeChecking: true,
cleanDistFolderBeforeBuild: false,
devServerConfig: {
port: 9393,
development: {
sourceMapType: "eval",
entrypointName: "index"
production: {
sourceMapType: "nosources-source-map",
optimizeBundle: true,
showBuildNotifications: false,
enableTypeChecking: false,
cleanDistFolderBeforeBuild: true,
entrypointName: "index.prod"
configureWebpack: () => {
return {
plugins: [
new OfflinePlugin(),
Bundle analysis
To analyze bundle just run ffbt dev|build --analyze
We use the following webpack plugins for analyzing:
Once you run the analyze command the generated report from webpack-bundle-analyzer will be opened.
You can find the report from bundle-stats-webpack-plugin inside the bundle-report
folder inside your project.
Compare bundles
You can compare bundles
# use the current bundle as a base for comparison
BUNDLE_STATS_BASELINE=true ffbt build --analyze
# do some operations with bundle (add/remove libraries, etc.)
# run analyze again
ffbt build --analyze
# open bundle-report/bundle-stats.html and see the comparison