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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Package up delicious, delicious fanfic from various sources into epub ebooks ready for reading in your ereader of choice.





This is a tool that can both turn fanfic from various sources into epub, ready for your ereader, but it can ALSO take your freshly written fanfic and prepare it for sharing easy peasy.



  • Deviant Art (for linked fanart)
  • Wikipedia
  • Youtube (included as a thumbnail image linked to the video)
  • Gravatar & Wordpress Facebook Avatar Mirror (for forum avatars)
  • Generic image handling– any url ending in jpg/jpeg/png/gif/svg will be accepted and included in an <img> tag. Added primarily to allow links to images to be included in the Externals section.


  • epub – Ready for ereadering.
  • bbcode – Ready for posting to various forum sites.
  • ao3 – Ready for uploading to Archive of Our Own
  • ffnet - Ready for uploading to
  • html – Ready for whatever else you come up with!


  • Support for cover images, both as ebook cover and in title pages.
  • Can generate a numbered table of contents. (Non-chapter content is numbered with roman numerals.)
  • Images contained in the fic are brought into the final ebook. (This includes smilies on Xenforo sites.)
  • Xenforo threads that lack threadmarks can still be imported.
  • Links between chapters are maintained and become links within the ebook itself.
  • External links to other supported sites will optionally be added automatically as appendices and the links to them updated to stay in the ebook. This can give you a fully offline reading experience.
  • Include chapter names as headings at the start of each chapter (if the original author didn't bother to do this).
  • Content is aggressively cleaned for broad compatibility and for quality of display in ereaders.
  • Messy Xenforo content is restyled for ebook use:
    • Spoiler boxes are styled as boxes w/o the "Spoiler" button.
    • Quoted text is styled without the "Expand/Collapse" buttons.
    • White-text is de-whited.
    • Invisitext is shown
    • mailto: links are delinked.
    • Colors are converted to a not-to-light grayscale with text decoration to indicate hue.
  • Content is cached so that iterating to get the perfect config takes no time. And when a new chapter is posted only that has to be fetched.


You'll need Node.js to use this tool. Once you have that, installation is pretty simple:

$ npm install -g fetch-fic


If you just want to make an epub:

$ ff get
$ ff gen expiation.fic.toml

If you want to get the latest chapters of a fic you got previously:

$ ff up expiation.fic.toml
    Updated fic last update time from Sat Dec 10 2016 16:00:00 GMT-0800 (PST) to Sat Dec 17 2016 16:00:00 GMT-0800 (PST)
    Added 1 new chapters
$ ff gen expiation.fic.toml

I typically edit the fic file before running ff gen, as I have Opinions about how things should be organized that don't always mesh with the author's. =D

For publishing, if you're using scriviner you can get a pretty good starting place with:

$ ff get /path/to/Story.scriv

Or with other RTF sources:

$ ff get /path/to/directory/full/of/rtf/name

If you're using Scriviner it will use the title from your work, not the filename. It'll also pick up your name from there too. It'll add all of the docs that have content that aren't in the Research or Trash folders.

TBH, the Scriviner source mostly exists because I didn't know about Edit->Copy Special->… when I was first using it. The only major difference is that fetch-fic's Scriviner support will process bbcode tags as well. This let's you put spoiler or quote tags into your fics and get those in the bbcode output (and get something reasonable in other output formats).

For RTF sources, be aware that since we have nearly nothing to work from, you'll have to edit that a lot. Once you have, you can prepare it for publishing with:

$ ff gen my-fic.fic.toml -o ao3

Which generates a directory full of HTML suitable for using on Archive of Our Own. Other options are ffnet for, bbcode for posting to forum sites, and html for non-site specific HTML.


  • The fic files just text, open them up in an editor and they're pretty straightforward. For the technically minded, they're TOML.
  • I often edit the fic files quite a bit. The title determines the name of the output file.


If you run ff without anything else, it'll show you a summary of available commands.

Usage: ff <cmd> [options…]

  get <url>          Get chapter list for a fic
  update <fic...>    Update fic with latest chapter list           [aliases: up]
  generate <fic...>  Generate epub (or other) from fic       [aliases: get, gen]
  cache-clear <url>  Remove a URL from the cache

  --help   Show help                                                   [boolean]
  --debug                                                              [boolean]

You can see the help screens for any of these commands by including --help. For example, ff get --help shows something similar to the following:

Usage: ff get <url>

  --scrape                      scrape the index instead of using threadmarks
  --and-scrape                  pull chapters from BOTH the index AND the
                                threadmarks                            [boolean]
  --xf_user                     the value to set the xf_user cookie to, for
                                authenticating with xenforo sites       [string]
<url> – The URL or path to a fic that you want to create a chapter list file
for. With a chapter list file you can create epubs and other things.

The scraping options are currently only used on xenforo sites where instead of looking at the threadmarks it'll look for links within the post and turn those into chapters. This is necessary for older fics that predate the threadmark system, it's also handy for fics that include omake and other goodies in their first post but not in their threadmarks. To sum up:

  • Use --scrape if the thread doesn't have threadmarks but has an index post.
  • Use --and-scrape if the thread has extra stuff in the index post that's not threadmarked. This is commonly where omake/meta-fanfic and fanart go.
Usage: ff update <fic…>

  --add-all                     if true, merge ALL missing chapters in instead
                                of just NEW ones      [boolean] [default: false]
  --add-none                    if true, add no new chapters, just update other
                                metadata              [boolean] [default: false]

<fic…> - One or more fic metadata files to update the chapter info for.
Filenames end on `.fic.toml`.

By default ff update will look through the freshly fetched chapter list and add them from the bottom up until it finds one already in your chapter list. This lets you trim chapters and not have them re-added when you run ff update. Still, that's not always the right thing and you can use --add-all to add ALL chapters missing from your existing fic file.

Update will also update modification times and word counts.

Usage: ff generate <fic...>

  -o, --output                  Set output format
           [choices: "epub", "bbcode", "html", "ao3", "ffnet"] [default: "epub"]

<fic> - A fic metadata file to fetch a fic for. Typically ends in .fic.toml


There are some experimental bits that work for me but may or may not be complete enough just yet to work for you.

  • The rtf importer is distinctly incomplete, notably it's missing tables and stylesheets. (But also tons of other less common things.) This doesn't impact my writing but YMMV. I ended up writing my own because the other options available to me either didn't support how Scriviner closes underlines or didn't support unicode. So it at least does those things right. =p
  • The bbcode, ao3 and ffnet outputters are still veeery fresh code and probably need some more laps around the yard before they're really done. style attributes ARE supported, but style tags are not (yet). The style translator is incomplete and a bit buggy. On the plus side, the HTML translator is probably very close to complete. The integration between the CSS translator and the HTML translator needs some work too.

Still, all that said, they're getting the job done for me, vastly reducing the effort to post new fic chapters.


Yes, this thing has a cache. It creates ~/.fetch-fic (on Windows it does something... not entirely nonsensical, but you'll still get a dot file like that).

In ~/.fetch-fic you'll find compressed copies of everything fetch-fic has ever downloaded. If you remove the cache folder then fetch-fic will recreate it on its next run but should otherwise work correctly (albeit more slowly).

Nothing is ever expired from the cache, so it can get pretty big (mine weighs ~1GB, but I also download an absurd amount of fic).


The tool will take any link to any page of a thread. If you intend to scrape it should be a link to the index page.

The last line printed is the filename of the epub file it created for you. This is produced from the thread title.


Used by: ff get, ff update, ff generate

You can optionally pass the value of your xf_user cookie if you want to download threads that are restricted to members of the site. To get this cookie you'll have to look in your browser. It's a pain ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The good news is that once you've done this for ff get you shouldn't need it when doing ff update or ff gen.


Used by: ff get, ff update

If included then instead of fetching threadmarks we'll slurlp links from the URL you specified and count those as chapters.

Your use of this with ff get will be remember and ff update will automatically do the same. If you want to stop ff update from following along you can pass ff update --no-scrape.


Used by: ff get, ff update

Fetch threadmarks AND slurp links from the URL you specified. Often results in duplicates but it's also often the only way to get everything.

Your use of this with ff get will be remember and ff update will automatically do the same. If you want to stop ff update from following along you can pass ff update --no-and-scrape.


Select the output format for ff generate. This defaults to epub, but can produce directories of files in bbcode and html formats. Additionally and can produce HTML specifically designed for import into Archive of Our Own (ao3) and (ffnet).


Modifies ff update's behavior when updating an existing .fic.toml file. Ordinarily it will only add chapters NEWER then the oldest chapter already in your metadata file. If you pass in --add-all then it will add ANY chapter missing from your .fic.toml file, no matter how old.


Makes ff update not add ANY new chapters, only update word counts and other metadata.



Used by: ff get, ff update, ff generate

Allows you to control if the cache is used. For ff get and ff update we skip the cache when fetching the chapter list to ensure that you get an up-to-date copy of the index. You can force the use of the cache with --cache.

For ff generate, you can disable the cache (and redownload all your chapters) with --no-cache.

Gross technical details: By "skipping the cache" we mean that we send an If-Modified-Since header and use the cached content on a 304 response. Ordinarily if we find something in the cache we'll just use it. Note that many of the sites we support don't support If-Modified-Since queries, so disabling the cache for them is tantamount to requesting a fresh copy of everything.


Used by: ff get, ff update, ff generate

The maximum number of network requests that will be made per second. This defaults to 1 which seems to avoid everyone's flood protection, but if you know you're fetching from a site that allows it then increasing this can make fic downloading a lot faster.

This operates on a per site basis, so if you have a fic sourced to multiple sites it'll download one chapter per second from each site. This is intended to spare the sites, not your local 'net connection.


This defaults to 6, which is what most web browsers use.

Set the maximum number of simultaneous network requests to a single domain that we'll do at a time. This limitation works in conjunction with requests-per-second and with default settings does not typically come into play. For example, if you set requests-per-second to 5 then this limit would only be used if the site was taking greater than 200ms to reply (and thus the requests-per-second limitation was allowing us to have ANY concurrent requests).


Used by: All commands

Enables debugging. This makes errors print stack traces instead of just messages and makes those stack traces extra long.


Used by: ff get, ff update, ff generate

Error if anything tries to access the network (on a cache-miss). Note that --no-cache and --no-network used together are guaranteed to error out.


ff read produces .fic.toml files…

If the original thread name was:

My great threadname (Example1/Example2)


title = "My great threadname"
author = "Example Author"
authorUrl = ""
created = 2016-09-25T01:11:36Z
modified = 2016-10-02T03:17:23Z
link = ""
description = """
This is an example taken from the long and great tradition of examples.
What this actually is, is the first paragraph from the fic.  If we're very
lucky the it'll be a summary to sell folks on reading it.  Most of the time
it's the fic title or something else equally unhelpful.  Still.  It's better
than what used to be here.
tags = ["Example1", "Example2"]

name = "1"
link = ""
created = 2016-09-25T01:11:36Z

name = "2"
link = ""
created = 2016-10-02T03:17:23Z

Sometimes you might have a single thread that contains multiple stories. While ff read will never produce a file like this, ff generate will produce multiple separate epubs if you give it something like this:

title = "My great ideas thread"
author = "Example Threadcreator"
authorUrl = ""
created = 2016-09-25T01:11:36Z
modified = 2016-10-02T03:17:23Z
link = ""
description = ""

title = "This first story"
author = "Example Author"

    name = "1"
    link = ""
    created = 2016-09-25T01:11:36Z

    name = "2"
    link = ""
    created = 2016-10-02T03:17:23Z

title = "A second story"
author = "Another Author"

    name = "1"
    link = ""
    created = 2016-09-25T01:11:36Z

    name = "2"
    link = ""
    created = 2016-10-02T03:17:23Z


Top level properties


Optional. Defaults to link. An identifier string representing this piece of fiction. This is not generally visible in any document you create. It's used in conjunction with the modified date for epub's to produce unique IDs.


Required. The title of this piece of fiction. In addition to being placed on the title page and included in any metadata, this is also used to generate the output filename.


Optional. The URL from which this fiction was fetched. This is filled in as the source in an epub and is included on any title pages.


Optional. Defaults to link. This is the URL or directory that the fiction was fetched from. This is used when updating existing fic metadata.


Optional. The name of the author of this work. This is displayed on the title page and included in available metadata.


Optional. A URL to a profile page for the author of this work. Not used unless author is also set.


Optional. The date that this work was originally published.


Optional. The date that this work was most recently modified.


Optional. The name of the website or other publisher where this work was found. This is used for non-user visible metadata.


Optional. HTML. A few paragraphs providing a "back of the book" type description for new readers. This is included in the title page and metadata.


Optional. The URL of an image file to embed as the cover of this work. (Alternatively, this can be a filename, but it'll be relative to where you run ff generate, which is not great.)


Optional. Default: false. If true then chapters will have headings added to the top of them with the name of the chapter and, if different than that of the work as a whole, the author. Often desirable on fics from Archive of Our Own as it does this too.


Optional. Default: true. If true then any links to external sources that fetch-fic understands will be added as appendices.


Optional. Default: true. If true then blocks marked as spoilers will be included inline in boxes in the output. If false then those blocks will be removed.


Optional. The number of words in this work. This is used on the title page.


Optional. Any tags associated with this work. This is included on the title page and the metadata.


Default: true. If true then a Table of Contents page will be generated and injected at the start of the fic.


Default: true. If true then the navigation version of the table of contents will have numbers before each item.


If true and this is a xenforo based source then threadmarks will be used to get the index when updating. This is additive with scrapeMeta.


If true and this is a xenforo based source then the index page will be scraped for chapters when updating. This is additive with fetchMeta.



Required. Must be unique. The name of the chapter, as it will appear in the index and any chapter headings.


Optional. The URL from which this chapter was fetched. This is used in the bbcode output index. This is also used if fetchFrom is missing to fetch the content of the chapter.


Optional. Default: link. The URL or path to the content of a chapter.


Optional. The date that this chapter was originally published.


Optional. The date that this chapter was most recently modified.


Optional. The name of the author. Ordinarily this is only used if different then that of the work's author.


Optional. A URL to a profile page for the author of this chapter. Not used unless author is also set. Ordinarily this is only used if different then that of the work's authorUrl.


Optional. Tags associated with this chapter. Currently not used for anything.


Optional. Default: true. If true then any links to external sources that fetch-fic understands will be added as appendices. Overrides any work-level setting.


Optional. Default: true. If true then blocks marked as spoilers will be included inline in boxes in the output. If false then those blocks will be removed. Overrides any work-level setting.


Optional. Default: false. If true then a heading will be inserted at the top of the chapter with the name of the chapter and, if different than that of the work, the author. Often desirable with omake.


Optional. The number words in this chapter. Used in some indexes.


These sections can be used to create multiple output files from a single .fic.toml. These sections have all of the same properties as the top level. Additionally, any not specified will default to the values given at the top level. (So, for example, if you don't have an author property under [[fics]] then it will use the value you had at the top level.)


A chapter within a subfic. These have exactly the same properties as [[chapters]].


Stuff I'd like to see (user visible):

  • A web UI
  • Make the rtf handler more complete.
  • Better stylesheet handling when outputting to formats that don't support them, eg, ao3, ffnet, bbcode.
  • More external site support:
    • Don't want to support every fic site ever, but…
    • More image sources for externing would be useful.
    • If generic wikia support is possible that would be super useful.
    • … relatedly, generic mediawiki support might be possible?


While in principle this should work with most any XenForo site, it's only been tested with the following:


Currently it will warn if you use it with another site.


  • FanFicFare (as Calibre plugin) is a great general tool. It is missing a few of the less "ficcy" sites that fetch-fic supports, eg Deviant Art, Wikipedia, Youtube, etc, but it supports a whole slew of sites that fetch-fic likely never will. The command line version can also update an existing epub. (fetch-fic doesn't support this (yet), but outside of absurdly huge fics, it can recreate them as fast as it could update them.) (Python)
  • ficrip is specialized for currently and supports some things not found elsewhere, for instance using the associated image as a title page. (Ruby)
  • FicSave supports and a few more obsure sites. (PHP)
  • Leech supports ffnet, ao3, xenforo sites, deviant art and It makes some different formatting choices, of particular note is displaying spoilers as footnotes (which show up as popup windows in ereaders). (Python)
  • fetch_story is another command line tool that supports a whole slew of sites that the others don't. In addition to the big one's that everyone supports (AO3, FFNET) it supports some unusual sources like LiveJournal, Project Gutenberg and many many more. Second in site count only to FanFicFare. (Perl)


If you realllly want to, docs on the internal API are available.


So, with the addition of proper Scrivener support, I now have my publishing pipeline entirely automated. I run a small shell script that updates the metadata from Scrivener and then produces a copy of my fic as:

  • epub, mobi, pdf, bbcode, AO3's HTML, FFNet's HTML and plain HTML

I'm using calibre to produce the mobi and pdf. The args passed into the pdf generator are mostly about getting something that looks passable on desktop.


ff update expiation.fic.toml && \
ff generate expiation.fic.toml && \
$EBOOK_CONVERT expiation.epub --output-profile=kindle_voyage &&\
$EBOOK_CONVERT expiation.epub expiation.pdf  --output-profile=tablet \
  --margin-bottom=72 --margin-left=72 --margin-right=72 --margin-top=64 \
  --paper-size letter --pdf-default-font-size 15 --pdf-mono-font-size 10 --pdf-serif-family Palatino \
  --preserve-cover-aspect-ratio \
  && \
rm -fr expiation.bbcode && ff generate expiation.fic.toml -o bbcode && \
rm -fr expiation.ao3 && ff generate expiation.fic.toml -o ao3 && \
rm -fr expiation.ffnet && ff generate expiation.fic.toml -o ffnet && \
rm -fr expiation.html && ff generate expiation.fic.toml -o html