Small util functions for Frameworkstein
Data fetching helper and Redux middlware for React components in Frameworkstein apps
Redux middleware to ensure container components get a chance to load their data when they're mounted.
Detects connected-react-router
route change actions and calls fetchData
on the component of each matching route.
Expects a branch
option, an array of matching routes provided by react-router. Calls fetchData
on each route's component. Used to tie in the data loading story for Frameworkstein.
Best used in conjunction with redux-request-middleware or another method of returning a promise from dispatched actions. See there for more detailed docs.
Used internally by fl-react-server
to ensure data is loaded before doing a server side render.
// MyPage.js
export default class MyPage extends React.Component {
// Middleware will call this method on each route change
// The store is provided, we can get the current state of the router from it via redux-router
// We'll also need its dispatch method to dipatch actions from here
// May return a promise or call the given callback function. Only useful if doing server side rendering, so the server renderer can delay rendering the page until the component has finished loading its data.
static fetchData({store, action}/*, callback*/) {
// As is the current action if we're transitioning between routes. 'action.payload' contains the props for the route we're transitioning to. Here for example we're getting router.params.id from it
const { router } = store.getState()
const id = ((action && action.payload && action.payload.params) || router.params).id
// Assuming we're using redux-request-middleware to return a promise when dispatching this action
return store.dispatch(loadMyPageContent())
// ...rest of the component goes below
render() {
// ...etc