Fetch api wrapper
Fetch-on-REST is a RESTful API wrapper built around [window.fetch][fetch].
Install the required packages:
# optional (to support older browsers):
npm install --save es6-promise
# required (to add global `fetch` method):
npm install --save isomorphic-fetch
# required (this package):
npm install --save frisbee
Require it, set default options, and make some requests:
// add optional support for older browsers
import es6promise from 'es6-promise';
// add required support for global `fetch` method
// *this must always come before `frisbee` is imported*
import 'isomorphic-fetch';
// require the module
import FetchApi from 'fetch-api-warpper';
// create a new instance of Frisbee
const api = new FetchApi({
baseURI: 'https://api.startup.com',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
async function requestLogin() {
// log in to our API with a user/pass
try {
// make the request
let res = await api.post('/v1/login');
console.log('response', res.body);
// handle HTTP or API errors
if (res.err) throw res.err;
// set basic auth headers for all
// future API requests we make
// now let's post a message to our API
res = await api.post('/v1/messages', { body: 'Hello' });
console.log('response', res.body);
// handle HTTP or API errors
if (res.err) throw res.err;
// now let's get a list of messages filtered by page and limit
res = await api.get('/v1/messages', {
body: {
limit: 10,
page: 2
// handle HTTP or API errors
if (res.err) throw res.err;
// now let's logout
res = api.post('/v1/logout');
console.log('response', res.body);
// handle HTTP or API errors
if (res.err) throw res.err;
// unset auth now since we logged out
// for more information on `fetch` headers and
// how to send and expect various types of data:
// <https://github.com/github/fetch>
} catch (err) {
throw err;
- api.jwt(token) - helper function that sets a JWT Bearer header. It accepts the jwt_token as a single string argument
- List of available HTTP methods:
- api.get(path, options) - GET
- api.head(path, options) - HEAD (does not currently work - see tests)
- api.post(path, options) - POST
- api.put(path, options) - PUT
- api.del(path, options) - DELETE
- api.options(path, options) - OPTIONS (does not currently work - see tests)
- api.patch(path, options) - PATCH