Bridge is a front-end library provide developer friendly protocol for cross domain (e.g iframe) communications.
What is Bridge?
Bridge is a front-end library provide developer friendly protocol for cross domain (e.g iframe) communications.
npm i fesoa-bridge
yarn add fesoa-bridge
How it works?
See example folder for full working sample
- For detail instruction on how to run the example, scroll to the bottom of the README
1. Load content from another domain into an iframe
const iframeElement: HTMLIFrameElement = document.createElement("iframe");
iframeElement.src = /* url to download content */;
iframeElement.width = "100%";
iframeElement.height = "100%";
2. setup communication channel
iframeElement.onload = async (event: Event) => {
await setupHost("IFRAME", iframeElement.contentWindow as Environment);
async function setupHost(name: string, client: Environment, clientOrigin: string) {
const host = new Host(window, client, clientOrigin);
// register any API that other side can call
host.registerResolver(new HostSampleResolver());
await host.setup();
3. client setup
const client = new Client(window);
// register any API that other side can call
client.registerResolver(new ClientSampleResolver());
await client.setup();
Communication protocol
Two way communication
const response = await host.invokeResolver<string>("ClientSampleResolver", "echo", { message: "message from host" });
// or
const response = await client.invokeResolver<string>("HostSampleResolver", "echo", { message: "message from client" });
// API implementation
class HostSampleResolver implements IResolver {
public name: string = "HostSampleResolver";
public echo(inputs: { message: string }, from: string): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolver) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolver({ data: `echo from host: ${inputs.message}` });
}, 500);
class ClientSampleResolver implements IResolver {
public name: string = "ClientSampleResolver";
public echo(inputs: { message: string }, from: string): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolver) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolver({ data: `echo from client (${window.origin}): ${inputs.message}` });
}, 500);
One way broadcast
client.broadcastEvent("client-event", "Diamond Hands!");
host.broadcastEvent(`[${name}] host-event`, "YOLO");
// subscribe to broadcast event
host.subscribe("client-event", (inputs: any) => {
console.log(`[${name}] Host - sub ===>`, inputs);
client.subscribe("host-event", (inputs: any) => {
console.log("Client - sub ===>", inputs);
How to run the example
- Open two terminal and
yarn install
on both folder- Ensure you install browser plugin that enabled CORS request for your browser (In real world you will configure your server to allow request from another domain)
yarn start
on both terminal- You should see something like below from the Host app