This is a basic setup with [ViteJs](https://vitejs.dev/) that you can use for your Webflow website. `jQuery` is already installed and declared as an external dependency.
ViteJs + JS + Webflow = ❤️
This is a basic setup with ViteJs that you can use for your Webflow website.
is already installed and declared as an external dependency.
I'm using Netlify to build and host my code because it's easy to use, free, and has serverless functions out of the box. Feel free to use your favorite CDN.
If you prefer TypeScript you can use this template
Live demo
You can find a simple example of a Webflow site using this setup here. The code is hosted on Netlify here. If you want to see the Webflow preview, it's here 👍
How to use with Webflow
🇫🇷 French
The doc is here
🇬🇧 English
The doc is here
Building and running on localhost
This project is using yarn
First, install dependencies:
To launch a local dev server:
yarn dev
To create a production build:
yarn build
To clean the local /dist
yarn clean
To lint the code with ESLint and Prettier:
yarn lint:fix