Fela toolkit for Vue (and Svelte!) designed for flexibility yet team-oriented.
Fela toolkit for Vue designed for flexibility yet team-oriented. website wip.
Fela does the great job, but it has no idea how to cook it with Vue. This is what I've created after combining vue's :style and :class attributes to make apps dynamically configured and easiest to write and maintain.
Included as deps:
The plugins are a lite most useful part of fela-preset-web.
More about plugins. Several basic are already built in here!
In the options object below you can also add other Renderer options
Detailed API Docs are in separate markdowns below
- Usage with literal css (lit-css) helper from this package
- with typescript
- with Vue Composition API
- Server-Side Rendering (SSR) guide
- DOM helpers
- How to make generated classes readable
// All of the options are optional.
const options = {
// Default styles to mix. Does not mix if omitted.
// Have a look at the example below to see it in action.
// Either pass a function (then key would be `fdef`):
defStyles: (componentInstance) => ({ colors: { cyan: 'cyan' }, bold: { fontWeight: 'bold' } }),
// ... Or an object with your own key:
defStyles: {
key: 'fdef',
value: (componentInstance) => ({ colors: { cyan: 'cyan' } })
// Modifiers to classes when assigned from templates. See examples below.
// Each modifier is a condition that is being called with provided class name and context object.
modifiers: {},
// Name of styling method. Defaults to `f`.
method: 'f',
// Additional fela plugins.
plugins: [],
// Additional fela enhancers.
enhancers: [],
// Preset configurations.
preset: {
// Config for fela-plugin-unit. Same defaults ('px', {}).
unit: ['em', { margin: '%' }]
// SSR status.
ssr: false
const renderer = new Renderer(options)
// If Options API. To use globally:
// or createApp(App).mixin(stylesRenderer.mixin)
// ... Or per module
export default {
mixins: [ renderer.mixin ],
// ...
** same options
object as above **
// main.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import { Renderer } from 'fela-vue'
const renderer = new Renderer({
modifiers: {
// Too simple but short c:
mobile: () => window.clientWidth < 600
// Not required.
// Search for documentation link by "DOM helpers" here above.
.html, .body {
margin 0
padding 0
font-size 18px
// if Options API.
// Vue 2:
Vue.mixin( renderer.mixin )
// Vue 3:
// createApp(App)
// .mixin((new Renderer(options)).mixin)
// .mount('#app')
Component example
<div :class="f('wrapper')">
<span :class="f('one')"> It's green! </span>
<span :class="f('two')"> It's cyan! </span>
<span :class="f('mobile&one !mobile.two localModifier.bold')">
It's green when mobile modifier is true and cyan when false. `.` equals to `&` on your taste.
For Options API the local modifiers named styleMods in mixins (see below in JS)
For Composition API search for "with Vue Composition API" doc link above.
<span :class="f('three', {color: 'white'})"> you don't see me! </span>
<span :class="f({color: 'yellow'})"> I do it by myself! </span>
<span :class="f('one two, bold')"> Combined classes by commas and spaces </span>
<span :class="f('bold my-kebab')"> And kebab-case! </span>
<span :class="f('bold myKebab')"> The same! </span>
<span :class="f('button one')">
If class is not in local style(), it will be taken from defaults (defStyles), if present.
Here's button could be taken from there, then merged with `one`
where is `one` is in priority: right to left principle.
<div v-for="i in [0,1,2]">
:class="f((i) => ({color: ['green', 'blue', 'yellow'][i]}))"
> This way is OK too. </span>
// Uncomment to use literal css: css`...`
// import { css } from 'fela-vue'
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
computed: {
style() {
// Not required. Use with arbitrary key by `options.defStyles.key`.
const { colors } = this.fdef
// Also, it's recommended to return one css`...` with all classes included.
// Search for a "lit-css" documentation link above.
// Also search for a "Vue Composition API" to use along it.
return {
one: { color: 'green' },
two: { color: colors.cyan },
three: ({color}) => {
fontWeight: 'bold',
bold: () => ({ fontWeight: 'bold' }),
// 'my-kebab' is also valid if the same in the template.
myKebab: { color: 'purple' },
anotherClass: css`
background: grey
.other-class {
margin-top: 44; // still ok for fela. will be 44px.
// you can comment a whole line,
margin-left: 22 // this's OK too.
/* block comments are also supported. */
:hover {
// no colons and semicolons are ok.
background grey
.anotherOne {
padding: 15
styleMods() {
return {
localModifier: (name, context) => true
It's better to make this computed in the end of a component definition or make a const variable at the bottom and return it from the computed prop.
Also, It's very handy to make snippets for adding style() {} to computed.