Base utils to convert FeatureHub webhook into a standard FeatureHub SDKs payload for further processing
This is the set of utilities for the standard webhook that FeatureHub emits when a feature changes. It is designed to receive a string or JSON body and then convert it into a standard SDK format and then passes it onto a destination - usually for saving in a AWS S3 bucket, dynamo db table, GCP Storage bucket or similar.
It is intended to be used in a function based library, and is thus ideal for serverless style deployment such as:
- AWS Lamba - an example application is here. AWS Lamba comes in many different flavours so we don't bundle this as a standalone application.
- GCP Cloud Function - an example application is here. It can operate as a proper CloudEvent either via https or some delivery mechanism like GCP PubSub. There are many ways and combinations you can use to deliver your webhook to a GCP Cloud Function so this is a simple example.
- Others - including Knative Functions (using Knative Eventing for delivery), and other serverless frameworks.
Further Documentation
More documentation on this library's overall construction is available here.
Application Flow
The basic flow of an application using this library is:
const {DestinationConfig} = require("featurehub-webhook-utils");
// receive some string body or json body
await (new DestinationConfig()).route(body);
// catch exception and return error code if problem