A validator for Feathers services.
WIP. Validator for Feathers services, or any service.
will export a class.
Simply instantiate it with your form data and validation rules.
The form data and validation rules should be objects.
The errors() method returns a string array containing any validation errors encountered.
var feathers = require('feathers');
var myService = {
create: function(data, params, callback) {
var Validator = require('feathers-validator');
var validator = new Validator(data, {
username: 'required|max:255',
password: 'required|min:6',
email: 'required|email',
add_to_mailing_list: 'required|boolean'
var errors = validator.errors();
if (errors.length == 0) {
//Request is valid! Do stuff safely, without
//breaking your app!
callback(null, {error: 'success'});
} else {
//Validation errors occurred.
callback(null, {error: 'failure', errors: errors});
var app = feathers().configure(feathers.rest());
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
app.use('/', myService);
module.exports = app;
Can take any of the following forms: 1. A string, with rules separated by pipes (|). Rule parameters are denoted by a colon (:) and separated by commas (,). Example:
An object, where every rule is an object. Rule parameters take the form of arrays. Example:
required: true,
min: 6,
rule: ['foo', 'bar']
##Available Validation Rules
Draws inspiration from Laravel's validation rules.
- alpha_dash: Asserts a string matches the Regular Expression
. - alpha_num: Asserts a string matches the Regular Expression
- boolean: Asserts that input has a truthy or falsy value (true, false, 0 or 1)
- confirmed: Like in Laravel, The field under validation must have a matching field of foo_confirmation.
- email: Asserts a string complies to the RFC 5322 e-mail standard.
- integer: Asserts a datum is an integer.
- max: Limits a string to a maximum length, or restricts the magnitude of a Number.
- min: Limits a string to a minimum length, or restricts the magnitude of a Number.
- negative: Asserts a Number is less than zero.
- numeric: Asserts a datum is a Number.
- positive: Asserts a Number is greater than zero.
- regex: Asserts a string matches a given Regular Expression.
- required: Asserts a key is present in the request.
##Contributing to feathers-validator
This package is really easy to extend. All validation is performed by functions. feathers-validator determines which one to use by parsing input, then running a generator function.
If you want to add a new one, include a generator function in index.js.
The generator must return a function(key, value)
This function in turn must return either:
{valid: true}
{valid: false, error: 'Your error message here'}
Otherwise, the validator will crash.
Then, submit a pull request. It will be reviewed, and if it's good, I'll add it to feathers-validator.