Build React Infrastracture! React Architecture best practices.
New version of React + Redux environment
Last development logs:
* Structure has been slightly changed;
* Redux-form was added;
* Create validation helper for Redux-form;
* New version of Babel has been installed;
* Error page (404) has been added;
* Old validator was removed;
* Logic of routes was changed from jsx to js;
* New function for extend bootstrap were added;
* All dependencies were updated
For create Front End Infrastructure that consist of (Yarn, Stylus, React + Redux, Webpack + Babel, BEM):
- Intall yarn https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/#mac-stable
cd /to/project/folder
yarn i fe-builder-react
echo "require('fe-builder-react')" >> index.js && node index.js && rm index.js
Now you have project tree:
- public
- img
- fonts
- build
- js
- modules
- oauth (Oauth module)
- components
- login.jsx (Form component connected to Redux-form)
- actions
- oauth.action.js
- reducers
- oauth.rd.js
- routes
- oauth.router.js
- containers
- oauth.cv.jsx (Main entry form oauth module)
- constants
- oauth.const.js
- decorators
- autentification.dec.jsx (Decorated main entry for handle state of user)
- components
- oauth (Oauth module)
- libraries
- warnings (Warnings or error fixed popups)
- common
- components
- form
- input.jsx (Input component with Redux-form)
- error
- error.jsx (Error page)
- includes (Folder for header/footer and etc)
- form
- components
- helpers (Folder with helpers validation, etc)
- i18n (Folder for static translations)
- configuration
- store
- store.js (Redux store)
- routes
- common.route.jsx (Collect all routes to one file)
- reducers
- root.rd.js (Main reducer which combined all reducers)
- wrappers
- root.jsx (Connect store and router)
- main.jsx (Entry file with routing and some common things like menu, etc)
- app.js (React entry point)
- index.js (Entry point for webpack)
- modules
- styl
- vendor
- bootstrap
- bootstrap.styl ( Main bootstrap file that include just Bootstrap layout)
- variables.styl ( Grid sizes for bootstrap )
- function.styl ( Creating own cols- for bootstrap )
- bem
- __modificators
- __*.styl - (Static bem modificators)
- __modificators
- bootstrap
- blocks
- common
- __modificators
- defaults.styls
- vendor
- templates (React html main entry)
- webpack.config.js (With architecture for transform stylus to CSS, ES6/ES7/ES8 to ES5 and .pug to .html)
- .babelrc
- .gitignore
- node_modules
- Development
This command immediately open the browser on the http://localhost:8080, will make the build and will watches your changes!
yarn run dev
- Production
yarn run build
- Node.js >= 8+
- Webpack 4+
- React 16+
Dillinger uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Twitter Bootstrap - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps
- node.js - evented I/O for the backend
- Webpack - Module bundler
- Stylus - Expressive, dynamic, robust css