Asynchronous File Encryption and Compression of the same.
Asynchronous File Compression/Decompression with Encryption/Decyption using AES-256(CBC) based Encryption.
Gets the input stream from the file supplied as args. (This is piped to the cipher) Encypts the file using AES-256(CBC) 256-bit based Encryption. (This is piped to Zlib's Gzip/Gunzip) Makes use of node's zlib module to perform Gzip compression/decompressions. After chaining up the streams successfully, the content is then piped to the transform stream which then prints out every chunk of data it receives (Encrypted/Decrypted).
Output of the Compression process is going to be a .gz file with Encypted Content. Thereby, making it invulnerable to bruteforcing attacks since every individual file is compressed rather than the zip itself.
Dependencies are through2-map to make use of transform streams to print to stdout while chaining up the pipes. Installation: npm install through2-map --save
- File Compression with Encyption: node index.js <ABSOLUTE_FILE_PATH> C <ENCRYPTION_KEY>
Eg: node index.js ./test.txt C testpassword123
- File Decompression with Decryption: node index.js <ABSOLUTE_FILE_PATH> D <DECRYPTION_KEY>
Eg: node index.js ./test.txtCompressed.gz D testpassword123
If you come across any bugs, report them to [email protected] Cheers.